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Application for Riles
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Star Wars: Unity Forum Index » Applications » Application for Riles
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Rylii Kuat

Joined: 09 Sep 2010
Posts: 28

 Post Posted: Thu, September 09th 2010 09:54pm    Post subject: Application for Riles
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Player Nickname: Alex

Name: Rylii Kuat
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Homeworld: Kuat
Desired Faction: Kuat Family
Desired Occupation: Leading Patron of the Kuat Family
Force Sensitivity: None.
Anything you'd like to tell us about the character:

Rylii has a dark personality, and has evolved being the constant underdog. His parents had hired an Umbaran instructor, teaching him ways to resist and conceal his deepest and darkest thoughts (something continued from the Palpatine Empire). His proficiency with weapons is considerable, though he rarely sports a blaster, instead, preferring to rely on his wit and bare hands.

Summarized Biography:

The Kuat family saw the rise and fall of their acquisition of Kuat Drive Yards. With one of the other Ten Families seizing control over their corporate empire, most died off in alcohol abuse or unexplained accidents. His father was blackmailed by Alatáriël Pallanén-Davad into compliance, and six years later, died by death stick overdose. Since Kuat of Kuat, the rest of the family meddled in minor affairs, most ending in complete bankruptcy or below average profit margins.

On the eve of Vera Nico's trial, Rylii's family had stubbornly remained with the majority of Royal or upper class voters in pro-execution. Rylii, however, took the opportunity to seize a popular holo-conference show and throw support behind the woman. It was hot gossip and only damned the Kuat family further, at least, from the rich. Knowing his way around manipulation from his childhood mentors, Rylii quickly gained a position in the Royal Palace, as leading patron of his family.

Alatáriël Pallanén-Davad proved a swift and powerful political opponent, almost instantly, her holonetworks launched a campaign, easily moving Rylii from the spotlight and into a political graveyard in 40 ABY. With his last name a mockery of the once prestigious wealth and galactic recognition, Rylii decided to leave the planet, and dropped his name to "Riles".

In 40.8, he was approached by a woman with a plan to restore his claim to fame, wealth and glory...
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Kastor Antilles

Joined: 14 Jun 2009
Posts: 417

 Post Posted: Sun, September 12th 2010 10:54pm    Post subject:
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Application approved! :D

Although, it's a little strange to call somebody who's only 21 the patron of an entire family. Just saying. :p
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