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Sara Soto
Orrion Carn

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 Post Posted: Sat, July 03rd 2010 03:07am    Post subject: Cato Neimoidia
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Cato Neimoidia

Cato Neimoidia was one of many worlds colonized by the Neimoidians early during the Old Republic era, joining the Galactic Republic by 22,000 BBY. The wealthiest and most resource-rich colony worlds were known as "purse worlds" that served as administrative posts ruling their own set of colonies. These purse worlds were the only colonies allowed to carry the name of Neimoidia. Other Neimoidian purse worlds include Deko Neimoidia and Koru Neimoidia, both were nearby in the same region of the Galaxy. Cato Neimoidia was the oldest purse world and may have been one of the earliest Neimoidian colonies.

During the Clone Wars, it was a key member of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and was defended by the Neimoidian Home Defense Legions.

Towards the end of the Clone Wars, it was the last Separatist stronghold to be taken in the Core Worlds and Colonies.

Gladiator Arenas
The Gladiator Arenas on Cato Neimoidia have been thought as gruesome, and unfair at times as patrons and onlookers watch men, women, droid and alien get slaughtered by each other or by imported fauna from across the galaxy, including acklays, nexus, reeks, katarn lizards and packs of kath hounds and kinrath. Winners are well treated, often getting large amounts of contracts and credits for their achievements in battle.

The Bowels
The Bowels of each of the Neimoidian Bridge Cities were rife with crime and also where most unfortunate souls resided. Despite this, the upper levels of The Bowels have cantinas that are frequently visited by bounty hunters, smugglers and travelers looking for information of any kind.
It's a very dangerous location for anyone who has a bounty on their head, but an excellent location to post one as well. Neimoidian nobles and wealthy travel to The Bowels in order to deal with troublesome competition in their line of work.
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Tseneca Lowry-Fink

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 Post Posted: Tue, July 06th 2010 10:01am    Post subject:
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Tseneca set the Leaper down gently, and lowered the gangplank out.

They'd gained clearence on one of the larger cities, known locally as Di'ca. The hangar was crowded so their arrival hardly made a ripple. The planet was no longer exclusive, while the higher cities were made up of resorts and spas, the city in which they landed resembled nar shadda. They weren't too far above the Bowels.

Tseneca shrugged to herself and slid dex's goggle's over her eyes. Hindsight was twenty-twenty, and if Nico's bounty had reached Corouscant in so little time, Cato wouldn't prove to be the exception.

They disembarked. The air was humid, but in a slightly arid way... Like wet sand. Tseneca coughed once, adjusting to the climate. Badim headed off in one direction.

"Hey, where are you going?"

"I have things to take care of." He didn't stop and wait, just slipped into the crowd alone.

"Holy hell." Tseneca said, watching him leave. "If id had known he was just going to take off, ida stayed back on corouscant. Should we follow him?"

Kyp shook his head. "Probably best not to."

"So we're going to wait around?"

Kyp took on the tone that so irritated her. "Patience is a virtue, you must learn patience."

"Bollux." She grumbled. "I'm a fragging one woman taxi service. What now?"

Kyp gestured to a Cantina. "I suggest we grab a drink and take it easy."

Another planet, another cantina. Tseneca adjusted her goggles and brushed her hair further forward over her face. The two headed to the bustling cantina... just entering happy hour.

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Badim Soilding
Orrion Carn

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 Post Posted: Tue, July 06th 2010 10:22am    Post subject:
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Badim walked The Bowels of Di’ca in silence as he hid himself in his dark cloak, slowly making his way down towards the bottom of The Bowels, discreetly checking every face and body for signs of Dorniekke.
Tseneca, in her new disguise and Kyp, in his usual attire, left in their own direction to cover more ground. Badim’s mind was left to wander, wonder and question the path he had chosen. Was this right? Is this the method of revenge I should be using? he shook his head, but he still questioned:

Will I keep my end of the pact I made with Tseneca?
You can’t escape your past. You can’t escape your purpose.
his head darted to one side as he thought, he was returning to his old ways despite how hard he tried not to, and he would lie to the ones he loved, to the ones he worked with and he feared he had lied to the ones he had saved.
What will I do once I’ve finally taken my revenge?
You can’t see your future. You can’t see your path.
his head darted to the other side, visualizing the people, loved ones and enemies that spoke to him in his dream last night. Everyone he knew turned their backs to him in disgrace at their friend. How could he change it? He saw Clare within his mind, then vanish in tears.
Will I ever feel again?
You can’t find Companionship. Only Death.
he froze, pain stinging at his heart and mind. Was he only useful to the death of others? No, it couldn’t be true. But here he was, prepared to kill countless people to get to one man.

He ducked into a cantina, The Angry Nymph, where he peered the entire bar, searching every seat, corner and brick for signs of Dorniekke, anger fueling his search, his finger prepared to ignite his wrist blade. Afterwards, his body groaned and sighed as he relaxed his finger and exited the bar.
He continued to search, spending a good hour pointlessly searching for a creature that might not even be here. He needed to rethink his strategy, he needed insider information. He peered around, seeing a flyer advertising a Gladiator match, offering huge rewards for the victors. He looked down at himself, seeing if he was fit for such upfront combat. He wasn’t able to deduct, but it was the only option he had available and left for the arenas.

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Badim Soilding
Orrion Carn

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 Post Posted: Tue, July 06th 2010 12:09pm    Post subject:
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Written to Mass Effect 2 - Main Theme

Badim walked a tight corridor, feeling the coming blood that would be spilled by his hand surround and drown him. He kept his heart at a steady beat, his breathing a steady pace. With every step he could hear the crowd’s cheers getting louder and louder as warriors from across the planet and galaxy gathered for combat. His felt his body giving way, not wanting him to continue the path he was taking. But he needed to continue, this was the only method he could get the information he needed. But he had already deemed most guilty of innocent blood, being mostly bounty hunters, but the tinge flavor of doubt filled his being.

The doors in front of him slid open and he paced into the open arena, hearing the shouts and glee the onlookers let out made him cringe. He was outside his element. He stood in the large ring with the other gladiators: Men, women, droids and aliens lined up in a circle, each spaced ten feet from each other. The Neimoidian Ring Leader suddenly spoke over the loudspeakers that adorned the arena, “Welcome, one and all, crowds and gladiators. This is the first preliminary round, the last twenty will move on, then there will be ten in the next round and then four.”

Three rounds, Badim muttered, That’s all I needed to hear.

“Let the battle begin!”

With the opening speech finished, a loud horn sounded to signify the game’s beginning. Shouts and Warrior Cries let themselves free from every opponent as they charged towards one another. Badim stood motionless, waiting for a foolish enemy to close in on him from head on. He didn’t have to wait long as two ran for him, with their swords and blasters drawn as they foolishly didn’t use them, seeing Badim as an easy target.
Badim waited, then stepped out of the way as the two crashed into each other. Stunned, they looked at each other, then to Badim to take him on, temporarily teaming up. Before they could contemplate a plan to even take a breathe, Badim’s wrist blades extended with a flick of his fingers, driving both of the knives into their necks.
With another sharp movement of his fingers, his blades retracted and the two men fell to the ground as they grasped their slit necks to try and keep their breath and blood in them, before collapsing dead on the floor.

He turned, seeing another opponent, a Weequay this time charging towards him with a blaster in hand. Badim grabbed one of his throwing knives and flicked it towards the weequay’s brain, sending him tumbling to the ground as he rolled end over end. When he finally stopped next to Badim, a vibroknife profoundly sticking out of the alien’s eye. He gripped the hilt, wiped the blood away and re-holstered it. He looked around the battle around him: Smoke, dust and vaporized blood stained the air. Bodies there were fifty warriors before, thirty remained. Ten to go.

With a sound of shuffling feet behind him, Badim turned and extended his wrist blades into a cross to grab the vibrating sword that was coming down on him. Sparks flew and disappeared as he and a suited bounty hunter vied for control of their footing, trying to make the other topple. After a moment of struggling, the bounty hunter cocked his head, then retracted his sword. Badim waited for a moment of a surprise attack.

He got a surprise, but not the kind he was expecting. The man--woman pulled her helmet off, revealing a woman with fiery pink hair in her early twenties staring and smiling back at him.
“Here we are. I still didn’t get a chance to thank you when you saved me on Nar Shaddaa.”
“Jaira?” Badim spat out dumbfounded, turning suddenly and impaling another opponent who tried to sneak up on him.
Jaira turned herself, throwing down her sword into the shoulder of another who tried to sneak up on her, “Yeah, that’s—ME!” she let out as she retrieved her sword. They stood back to back as another four came after the two: Badim flicking a vibroknife at one while Jaira fired a blaster at another.
Badim jumped forward to the next one with his wrist blades extended as he drove them into the man’s stomach. Pulling them out and thrusting them back in several times until the man was holed.
Jaira extended her sword to the last one, then flung her sword down on the rodian’s neck, decapitating it.
“What a way to meet up after all these years, huh?” Badim retorted playfully, but was interrupted by Jaira embracing him with a hug.

“Now we’re even,” Jaira said jokingly as the announcer listed the winners.

“Not quite,” Badim replied, pulling away from the hug with a happy smile to finally see another product of his former resolve, “I saved your ass twice: I got you away, but you got captured yet again, so I saved you again.”

Jaira laughed then motioned Badim to head to the lockers with her to rest from the brief battle.


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Badim Soilding
Orrion Carn

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 Post Posted: Wed, July 07th 2010 12:23am    Post subject:
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Jaira and Badim exited the arena, due to some unknown complication, the next match had been postponed five hours at the dismay of the crowd. Badim hid his face beneath his cloak, Jaira curiously looking him over, wondering what could have made him change from his light clothing. He also looked empty, barren inside. It was difficult to handle, her savior was not the one she remembered from her adolescent years.
He seemed emotionless and grieved, not compassionate and full of light as she had known him by, striving to be like him. She had followed in his footsteps, admiring and following in his wake of redemption for the innocent.

But he was different now, and curiosity got the better of her, “What are you doing on Neimoidia?” she asked, Badim not detouring his eyes from the path in front of him.
Revenge,” he said brashly, rehearsing the thought constantly within his head. This was definitely not the man she knew five years ago, “Loren’s Father came to take revenge on me for killing his son. And he killed the one I loved.”

Loren. The name stung her, almost being killed by his hand five years ago, it might be a sensitive subject to Badim now, but her mind pained every time she thought of Boz. But she couldn’t dwell on her own thoughts at the moment, she needed to concentrate on Badim. Now she knew why he was taking this path, why he changed his attire and personality.
“My best friend betrayed me to him, a friend I saved like I did with you,” he lowered his head, the shadows in his hood deepening, “And paid me back by giving information on me and Clare to Jelahan, who captured and killed her in front of my own eyes.”

Jaira shook her head, feeling his pain. She too was on a mission of revenge now, looking for the man who killed her family when she turned sixteen, the bounty placed on her entire family’s heads being what brought her and Badim together. She had to find who killed them for their own sake, so they could rest in piece. She knew it wasn’t Boz, he was just the middleman as he hired bounty hunters to collect for him, but now that Jelahan had possibly taken over his son’s organization—not being able to plot or plan without it—might still hold information on the one who put the bounty on her family.
“I’ll help you,” Jaira said, catching Badim’s eye, “I still owe you. Deal?”

Badim shook his head, then stared at the ground to think, then took Jaira’s extended hand, “Deal.”

* * *

Jaira and Badim entered Jovial Taproom Cantina, a popular hangout just above The Bowels for beings of any class to enjoy, from the rich, to the middle class, to the poor and to everybody else, they all traveled there for a drink at least once in their life. It was her favorite cantina on Cato Neimoidia as well. Badim looked around, then noticed two other cloaked people sitting at the bar, then paced towards them.
“Anything?” a woman asked Badim as he took a seat next to the two, ordering whatever they were drinking.
“Nothing yet,” he replied, taking a sip of the alcoholic product, “I need to win two more gladiator matches to get either credits, or market information on where Dorn is.”
“Then the only thing we can do is wait,” an older man said as he coupled his hands in thought.

Jaira took the initiative, stepped towards the three and took a seat next to them, catching the eye of the woman, “Can we help you?” she asked, her tinted goggles staring back at Jaira.

“I’m here to help Badim,” she said, Badim turning from his drink, “I owe him a favor, this is my way of paying him back.”

Jaira caught a glimpse of the woman as she shook her head to Badim in disappointment, she probably had a ship and didn’t want any other passengers onboard. But the way her features morphed, made something click in her head. She pulled out a sheet of paper from her pocket, then matched the images. Even with the goggles and the cloak, she seemed like, “Tseneca?” Jaira asked once the bartender was away in the humblest, most quietest voice she could muster in order to try and keep her secret. She was interested in this bounty, but was quickly considering what Badim would have done during his time on Nar Shaddaa, and what she had been doing for almost three years. Let her go.

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Kyp Durron

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 Post Posted: Thu, July 08th 2010 07:04am    Post subject:
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Kyp read the new additions movements and barely managed to hear her speak Tseneca's name. So everyone in the galaxy did know about the bounty. It seemed someone really did want to give them trouble. Unless they got the bounty removed they'd be hunted for quite sometime. Surely it wasn't something that all involved could not handle. Kyp had dodged his fair share of bounties but most gave up due to his presence within a warship or a Jedi Temple. The current hunter, he sensed, would continue to be a vexation to him till either one of them was dead.

Kyp stared out of his cloak at to the newcomer. He shook his head only slightly, signaling for her to drop it or he'd drop it for her. Surely if anyone had caught a glimpse of him entering, which Jedi rarely did, they'd all know what he was capable of. The cantina had filled with patrons all throwing back shots of who knew what. While it sounded like a fun time, and probably would be, he couldn't afford himself that luxury. A reoccurring theme in his life.

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Jedi Master Kyp Durron
Jedi High Council Member
Wields an Azure Lightsaber
Pilot of the Modified RZ-1 A-Wing Interceptor Vigilance

"No change comes without conflict. Perhaps my destiny is to be the irritant that forces the discussion, the blister that lets you know your boots don't fit."
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Badim Soilding
Orrion Carn

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 Post Posted: Fri, July 09th 2010 12:47am    Post subject:
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Badim looked at Jaira, confused at seeing Tseneca apparently. He feared he had made a mistake bringing Jaira along, he didn’t know how she had changed over the years and he might have brought someone looking to cash in on Tseneca. A silent moment passed, Jaira had kept her voice low, and no one turned their attention to them, luckily they didn’t even hear it. Badim traded looked with Jaira, then to Tseneca. She wore the same look she always wore when she tensed up, ready for action in a millisecond.

“Don’t worry,” Jaira said calmly and quietly, ordering a drink for herself then straightened herself in confidence, “I follow Badim’s path.”

Tseneca tilted her head, then looked at Badim through her goggles, then the answer came to her: Releasing Innocents. She turned back to her drink, keeping an eye on their new arrival. Jaira placed her helmet on the countertop, resting as the adrenaline from the battle washed out of her.
Badim’s mind and body didn’t have the enjoyment of rest anymore. Sleep would just bring back the nightmare. His friends turning away from him, the path he was going down, the darkness swallowing him.

Badim felt ill suddenly, the dream bringing back Clare’s death and the betrayal of his trusted friend, aside from Tseneca now. Badim told the three to hang tight, he just needed some air to clear his thoughts.

He stepped out of the cantina, feeling a breeze from somewhere rushing under his arms. His cloak ruffled and folded as he paced down the road for a little more privacy. He was about to turn back when a man from a nearby alleyway called him quietly.
Badim played like he wasn’t tense, instead keeping his fingers prepped to extend his blades. He followed the man, leading him deeper into the alley and farther away from the crowded streets. They ducked behind a corner, the man holding a briefcase and opening it, revealing colorful canisters of deathsticks.
“You wanna buy one?” the man said, daringly looking into Badim’s eyes as he peered inside the briefcase, picking up a redish-yellow bottle, looking into the edge of the needle at the end of it. He placed it down, Clare wouldn’t have wanted this as well.
Badim closed the briefcase and set it down, “Do you know where I can find a Neimoidian named, Dorniekke?”

“That will cost you,” the man said a little harsher than before, “Buy the whole case of deathstick for a thousand credits, and I’ll give you the information.”

Badim didn’t need this right now. He didn’t need games, he needed answers. He flicked one of his wrist blades open and pinned the man to the wall with his other hand, pressing his neck to the durasteel surface while his blade hovered over the man’s eye, “How about,” Badim said, “You give me the information I need and you live another day.”

“And what if I don’t--?” the man tried to say, before Badim shoved the blade into his shoulder, muffling the man’s scream with his hand. He panted in pain, feeling blood trickle from his shoulder, “If you don’t, I slit your throat.”

“I-I don’t know anything… Please let me go.”

“Why should I believe you?” Badim hissed, pressing his blade to the man’s neck, ready to make a simple movement to slice it open with one flash. The man began to tear, thoughts running through his head as he thought about death, at how it could come quickly and painfully, “Because I don’t want to die,” he cried.
Badim felt crazed and was full of anger. They coursed through him, pressing against the doors of his being as they fought to get out and unleash their wrath on the man.

Badim?” Tseneca said to his consciousness. He turned, not seeing anyone there. He didn’t feel probed, it was a figment of his own imagination, telling him right from wrong in the voice of the one who was helping him, “What are you doing?
Badim pushed the man to the ground, pointing his wrist blade to him in intimidation, “Drop the drugs and you being a information broker, you won’t be so lucky next time.”

The man turned to the case of deathsticks, watching as Badim threw and banged it against every surface he could find, breaking the containers inside. He scurried away, gasping as he saw the multitude of liquefied colors dripping out from it, turning to a gas as it evaporated. He gripped his shoulder as he now ran away, fearing Badim had changed his mind and was chasing him down.
Badim felt his own shoulder, still throbbing as the pain slowly washed away, but the tenderness remained. He never received bacta treatment for it, letting it throb and remind him of what he had to do.

With a flick of his finger, his blade retracted and he returned to the cantina. Jaira turning and telling him, “The match is starting early, we need to get there or we can’t get any info on the guy who betrayed you.”

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Tseneca Lowry-Fink

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 Post Posted: Fri, July 09th 2010 07:35pm    Post subject:
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Tseneca caught up to Badim outside. He was terrorizing a deathstick salesmanm and had thrust a blade into his shoulder. Kyp followed close behind as she interrupted him. They led him back inside. Tseneca felt uneasy... Badim's behavior was completely uncalled for, and she had a feeling he knew it.

Jaira was speaking with Badim and Tseneca turned to Kyp. Speaking under her breath.

"I'm not sure I like whats happening here..."

Kyp took a drink from the glass at his elbow. "I know I don't like whats happening here. But isn't that why we're here? to keep an eye on him."

"To help him." She said "But I don't want to help him seneslessly kill people, even for revenge. I know I've fallen off the boat a little... But certainly not that much."

Kyp watched the other two across the table. "Its good that you recognize that."

Then, as if a vortex pulled her in, Tseneca was overtaken by a vision. Firi, Sara, Dex, Jonas, Allison, all running through a lustrous jungle, foliage whipping past them. Then Jonas, falling backwards into a dark abyss, slipping down to his death of a thousand razor sharp...

She came to, realizing she was standing up and breathing heavily, the eyes of Jaira, Badim and Kyp looking at her. She sat abruptly both embarrassed and confused. Her heart raced.

"What is it." Kyp put a hand on her arm and she looked down at the table. She repeated to him what she had seen, exhaling, trying to calm herself.

"We have to go... we have to... help." She looked at Kyp, wild eyed.

"We have to stay here." The Jedi master said. "there's no telling if what you saw was real, your other visions have little or no context in reality. As far as we know the others are safe in their beds back on corouscant."

"No... what if. ..Jonas could be...."

"Calm down." Tseneca felt him reach out with the force to try and calm her.

She knew she couldn't leave, she had a pact to fulfill. But Badim... she wasn't sure she could help him where he was right now. And he had Jaira...

"I need some air." She said, stood up again and left the cantina, heading back to the ship. She would contact Lucas. Or try anyway. He would know what to do.

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Badim Soilding
Orrion Carn

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 Post Posted: Sat, July 10th 2010 01:33am    Post subject:
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8000th forum post!

Badim placed his elbows on the countertop, pressing his face into his hands. Here he was, on a murderous rampage. Tseneca, Kyp and Jaira were all afraid of him, of what he was becoming. He pulled his hood back, feeling the weight of revenge it put on him release. There was no way he could venture down this path, Clare… she wouldn’t approve of anything he was doing right now, murdering several people in the gladiator rings and injuring a druggy trying to pass as an information broker.

“Kyp…” he let out, his thoughts wondering what advice he could give to pull him away from the dark rage he was in, “I don’t want this path. But I need to avenge Clare’s death… The memory of her last moment is the only thing I can cling to, to focus on the man who killed her.”

Kyp didn’t need to answer, Badim already knew what he was going to say most likely: Let it go. Accept her death and move on.
But he couldn’t. In order to move on, he needed to kill Jelahan. It needed to be done, it had started with his son’s death by Badim’s hand, and it brought Clare’s demise. He needed to end it before it happened to someone else, to anyone he was traveling with now. Tseneca would be a promising target for such a purpose.
He couldn’t let it happen, he needed to continue on, but through a different approach. Badim turned back to Kyp, continuing his thought, “How do I avenge Clare without following the path I am now?” he asked, looking down at his black cloak, hating how it wrapped and clung to him. After this mission of revenge, he needed to rid himself of it for his own sake.

Tag: Kyp Thought he‘d spread some of his wisdom of dark side philology and how he turned away from the dark side, we can work that out on PM or MSN if you have any questions.
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Kyp Durron

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 Post Posted: Sat, July 10th 2010 08:43am    Post subject:
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Kyp rubbed his forehead, pondering his response. He felt Badim's frustration and it made even him uneasy. At least the deathstick dealer wouldn't be doing business for quite sometime. Kyp rested his arms on the round table and glanced over to the newcomer, "Could you please leave us for a moment? I need to speak with Badim in private."

The pink haired woman slid out from the booth and walked casually over to the bar. He noticed she kept on eye on the two however and was only a spitting distance away, in case something were to happen.

"Badim, what I must tell you is counter intuitive to everything I have learned and taught over the past thirty years. These men, must die." Kyp bit his lip and rubbed his forehead. "You with to avenge her without following down the wrong path, well vengeance is the wrong path. You have two paths, retribution or forgiveness. And to be frank, they only deserve one of those two."

Kyp slammed the rest of his drink and cringed in response. "You fear you will become something evil, but that is because deep down you fear you lack the resolve to hold onto the memory of Clare and yourself. You strike down your enemies with hate and despair, two powerful agents of the darkside. However you fail to see the other end of the spectrum."

The Jedi Master glared into the Assassin's eyes and before he could even grasp his own drink, Kyp had placed his hand firmly over the glass. "You will fail if you continue to use anger as your weapon. You must destroy your enemies with love. I know you loved her and you must learn to use that love instead. Do not hate your enemy. It will only destroy you."

With a swift move Kyp slid the glass to the other end of the table. "Now get your sorry ass up and find some resolve." Kyp stood up after Badim. He hoped Badim understood where he was coming from. He hoped he had the determination to fight not only for Clare but for himself. When the two were standing Kyp reached out his right hand high and in a position usually suited for arm wrestling. Badim slapped his gloved hand into his own, "We've got work to do."

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Jedi Master Kyp Durron
Jedi High Council Member
Wields an Azure Lightsaber
Pilot of the Modified RZ-1 A-Wing Interceptor Vigilance

"No change comes without conflict. Perhaps my destiny is to be the irritant that forces the discussion, the blister that lets you know your boots don't fit."
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Badim Soilding
Orrion Carn

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 Post Posted: Sat, July 10th 2010 11:17am    Post subject:
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Kyp made perfect sense, and even as the two slapped their palms into each other, he felt his convictions for revenge change drastically. He knew he couldn’t use hate as a weapon, but that was all he had known, and it took a Jedi Master to show him a different side of his actions. He was surprised when Kyp said that the men responsible for Clare’s death had to die, he never thought he would push him to continue, but also stating that there were too outcomes he could choose: Retribution or Forgiveness. He didn’t know what to choose, and he hoped the decision would come to him in short time.

He couldn’t slay innocent people to reach his goal unless they were working for Jelahan, so the gladiator rings were out of the question. He waved Jaira over, who quickly joined his side, “We can’t do battle in the rings, it’s not what I’m after anymore.”

“But what about--?”

“Badim,” Kyp nudged as he cut off Jaira, pointing Badim towards the entrance, “Is that who we’re looking for?”

Badim turned, seeing a neimoidian walk up to the bar and sit on one of the stools. It was the alien they were looking for. Badim suddenly became overwhelmed by anger and hate at the mere sight of Dorniekke, gritting his teeth as the feelings of revenged seemingly seeped from his pours. Kyp put a hand on his shoulder, then reassuringly patting and pushing him forward, confident that he’d make the right choice. Badim paced towards Dorniekke, feeling the weight of anger building, and with every breathe and thought, it continued to build and weigh on him.
He set a calm hand on Dorn’s shoulder as he took a seat next to him. Dorn turned with a surprised welcome, curious to why Badim was on Cato Neimoidia.
“Looking for you.” Badim said, playing a smile from underneath his hood.

“Where’s Clare?” Dorn said, peering around the bar in hopes of seeing her, “Did you two get in a fight? We both know you can be full of it sometimes.”

“Clare is…” Badim hid under his hood, he didn’t want to say it, but the word continued to ring in his head, “Nevermind. Do you know where I can find Jelahan Loren?”

Dorn’s face suddenly came over with fear, Badim could see that the datapad didn’t lie, “Is-is he a bounty you’re after?”

“Something like that,” Badim toyed with his fingers, pulling them away from his wrists, hair length’s away from extending his blades, “And you’re my next lead.”

“I don’t know anything, serdadu.” Dorn said, fear continually building in his face, “How could I be a lead--?”

Next portion written to: Listen

Badim grabbed him by the neck and drug him out of the cantina as the yelps and pleas from the neimoidian rang out. Kyp and Jaira quickly following the two outside and into the alleyway where Badim had encountered the druggy mere minutes ago, the tinge smell of deathsticks still filling the air. Badim pressed Dorn up against the wall, “Please! Why are you doing this!?”

“Enough questions, I need answers,” Badim hissed as he pressed Dorn’s neck up further into the durasteel wall, “Why were you sent to spy on me and Clare?”

“I already told you! I don’t--!” Badim slapped the neimoidian on the face to shut him up for now, grabbing his neck, then throwing him against an adjacent wall as Kyp and Jaira watching, Jaira being held back by Kyp as she watched in horror at what Badim had become, but this was how it had to be done.
The alien landed against a wooden pallet, resting his face and body against it, quickly turning around to face Badim as he lifted his arms up in a feeble attempt at defense. Badim pushed the arms out of his way, then launched his fist towards his former friend’s face. In slow motion, a small spray of blood flew into the air as the alien’s head pressed and broke into the wooden pallet’s boards, sending a shower of splinters around his face.
Badim didn’t stop to let him rest, picking the alien up as he stuttered his words, “J-J-Jelahan just wanted me to-to watch you… Find out what you were enjoying now.”

Why did he want you to spy on us?” Badim pressed the alien against the wall again to get a clearer answer from him.

“H-He didn’t tell me,” he stuttered in reply.

Badim pressed the alien’s neck further into the wall as he asked his final question, “Where’s Jelahan?”

“If I told you, I-I-I don’t know what he’d do to me.”

Badim kneed the alien, sending him toppling to the floor in response. Badim let his anger escape and kicked him in the face, the alien’s eye already beginning to swell as the skin around it turned a dark blue. Badim picked him up, then threw him against another wall, twisting and binding it’s arm against it’s back as a lever of pain, “What makes you sure I won’t do what he would have done, twice over?” the alien cringed, shivering at the thought, “Clare is dead because of you ratting us out to that murderer. You were sent to spy on me, to find out what was important in my life so Jelahan could take it away from me.”

Badim turned to Kyp and Jaira, Kyp’s hand no longer on Jaira’s shoulder as they both watched, Jaira still in horror. Badim still felt the anger course through him as he turned back to the alien, his former friend, the only friend he had had when he worked with Dirod. The alien thought, then quickly replied, “His calls were originating from Ord Mantell, that’s all I know, serdadu.”
Badim turned the alien to face him in the eye, feeling his finger swell, waiting for the moment to unleash his blade into the alien. Badim threw him on the ground, then glowered over him, “Leave.”

“What?” Dorniekke asked as he looked up, half in horror and half in relief.

“I said leave. I never want to see, hear or smell you ever again. Take your ship, enter Hyperspace and never leave, or I will come after you again for betraying me.”

Tag: Jess, Kyp Ord Mantell here we come :D Jess, you can have Kyp, Badim and Jaira enter the Leaper once you're done chatting with Lucas.
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"No One Deserves To Die, Except For Those Who Do."
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Tseneca Lowry-Fink

Joined: 05 Aug 2009
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Location: Aboard the Blight Leaper

 Post Posted: Sat, July 10th 2010 04:24pm    Post subject:
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Tseneca boarded the blight leaper and started the connection to corouscant. She was still shivering from her vision, despite the humidity.

One of the jedi sentries popped up on the screen.

"I need to speak with Jedi Apprentice Lucas Pallanen-Davad. It's urgent please."

"I'm not sure if he's here... he's been in and out a few times with master solo." The sentry practically yawned. He was avoiding the work.

"Its a very urgent matter." She said again, annunciating. He paused and looked for a patch key.

"I'll see what I can do."

A moment later, Lucas appeared on the screen. He looked tired, and his handsome face was pulled into a scowl. She caught her breath. It didn't matter what he thought of her. This was about their friends, not personal grudges.

"What is it? I thought you took off, what do you want?" he grunted.

"Where are the others?" She asked swiftly

"What do you care?" He bit back.

"please, grudgery doesn't become you. I'm going to ask you one more time to swallow your pride accept my apology and listen to me."

He was quiet, and they stared at each other for a long while.
"fine." He said after a moment. "What's going on?"

"I had a vison." she swallowed, remembering. "The others were running through a jungle, their lives are in danger. And... I saw Jonas... falling. Dying..."

Tag: alex
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Tseneca Lowry-Fink

Joined: 05 Aug 2009
Posts: 921
Location: Aboard the Blight Leaper

 Post Posted: Mon, July 12th 2010 09:45am    Post subject:
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Please dont kill me...
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