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Application for Kalin Lohden
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Kalin Lohden

Joined: 25 May 2010
Posts: 42

 Post Posted: Tue, May 25th 2010 05:56pm    Post subject: Application for Kalin Lohden
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Player Nickname: Alex

Name: Kalin Lohden
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Homeworld: Bothawui
Desired Faction: Dark Lady of the Sith (self-proclaimed)'s Cult, lol
Desired Occupation: Lumiya's Minion
Force Sensitivity: None
Anything you'd like to tell us about the character:
Kalin has tremendous talent in the use of cybernetics. Lumiya has kept the boy close for the duration of his teenage years, teaching the boy patience and tolerance.

Summarized Biography:

Kalin grew up without a family on Bothawui. As a human child, he was generally treated with little respect, and often, racist attitude from the Bothans. At 10, he had discovered he had a gift with cybernetics, learning to slice and hack several credit banking dispensers. He was caught and arrested three months later, but the Bothan Spynet knew talent when they saw it.

Bothan law allowed the boy to be trained as an agent at 12, including military training exercises, yet Kalin retained his immaturity. An investigation mission, off the books as most of the missions were, a disturbance in the Outer Rim had stirred unusual activity. Kalin, part of the survelliance team, was approached by an older woman who had promised to enrich his life, should he choose to betray the Bothan Spynet.

The boy had agreed, finding the emotional appeal of the motherly tone irresistible. It would take him a year to accomplish this goal. At 13, Kalin resigned his training at the Bothan Spynet, stealing a plethora of technology and information in an effort to please the woman.

At their arrival on Korriban, Lumiya had revealed that she was part of a lost sect known as the Sith, an ancient cult designed to bring balance to the Force, upset by the Jedi presence. And while Kalin could not participate fully in her teachings, he learned how malice and ruthlessness could be used as tools for the greater good.

Her plan to unleash revenge across the galaxy was whispered that night, but completely unheard of until recently.

Kalin remains one of her most loyal agents...

I've decided I needed a companion to Lumiya, just not the FS one I thought I wanted.
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Kastor Antilles

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 Post Posted: Fri, May 28th 2010 10:29am    Post subject:
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Hey Alex,

The only question we had was what exactly you meant about Korriban. When was it "lost?"
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Kalin Lohden

Joined: 25 May 2010
Posts: 42

 Post Posted: Fri, May 28th 2010 06:24pm    Post subject:
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I figured Korriban wasn't public knowledge, but if it is, then I would like to change Kalin's bio to Wayland's location.

Unless you know of a Dark Side world that would be equally rewarding somehow? lol In the decades between the Battle of Yavin and Unification Day, Lumiya is doing her research and studies to better her knowledge of the Sith! So whatever planet would come into handy, I suppose. I'm not really picky.

Tag: Moff, Cray, Han
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Kastor Antilles

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 Post Posted: Fri, May 28th 2010 11:22pm    Post subject:
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Alrighty, since you resolved the issue with Korriban, I'll approve you now. :D Have fun!
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