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Application for H6-32
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Orrion Carn

Joined: 09 Jun 2010
Posts: 54
Location: Aboard the Blight Leaper

 Post Posted: Wed, June 09th 2010 01:50am    Post subject: Application for H6-32
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Player Nickname: Orrion Carn

Name: H6-32
Age: Model Age: 15, Active: 6-7 months
Gender: Male Programming
Species: Protocol / Assassin Droid
Homeworld: Holowan Laboratories Building (Unknown?) / Denon
Desired Faction: Badim Soilding / Blight Leaper
Desired Occupation: Translation / Combat Droid for the Blight Leaper
Force Sensitivity: NO! That's impossible!
Anything you'd like to tell us about the character: Uber-bad battle droid under the guise of a protocol droid working for the Blight Leaper! *Sigh* he can still take hits...
Summarized Biography:

IG-152 Protocol/Assassin Droid Product Line:
The IG-152 line was Holowan Laboratories’ attempt at creating a protocol droid with combat programming, which could act as a protocol droid, but when situations came up that required it, the droid became a protective bodyguard. Though, the wearers needed to be either identified or have a small transponder with them to indicate Friend or Foe signals. Though, you could do without the transponder, the droid’s processors would be fast enough to assess a target, cross-reference with available data and decide to shoot or not.

Badim had seen one or two of these in use on Nar Shaddaa as bodyguards to targets, mostly corrupt nobles with the credits to waste. With the necessary software measures and upgrades installed to prevent what had happened to the IG-88s, the IG-152s ended up being similar to the IG-100s or -110s, except the 152s had a voice box instead of just random bleeps and sounds. When not in combat, they acted as harmless as Cybot Galactica Protocol droids, but when in combat, they were ferocious and deadly to anything that wished to harm it master(s).

H6-32’s bio:
H6-32 began his life as just another droid on the assembly-line, finished, he was the same as any other IG-152 on the line, named IG-152-32 then. He was payed for and shipped to many different parts of the Galaxy along with the other droids of the line. But, during transit to Denon, a stowaway Womp Rat got inside 32's crate and began to chew various wires until he couldn't be used. The Womp Rat soon moved out before H6 was moved to Don Lugosi, a respectable weapons and droid dealer on Denon. After failing to activate 32, he took him to a repair shop nearby and had him repaired.

Though, the repairman, seeing all the wires gone, mistakenly rewires 32 in such a way, that when reactivated, Lugosi, hoping to hear a calm, Protocol voice emerge... Instead had to live with an aggressive, foul, but protective droid, who was renamed H6-32 later on for unknown reasons by Lugosi. Three months earlier, Lugosi shut H6 down and decided to sell him, much like his goal in the first place when he ordered him. H6 was only reactivated six times in the three months, and H6 began wondering whether he'd be sold at all or doomed to constant reactivations. H6 was happy to find Badim Soilding, who purchased the droid for an upcoming mission.
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Kastor Antilles

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 Post Posted: Thu, June 10th 2010 01:12am    Post subject:
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Application approved!
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