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Morgan ZIM
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 Post Posted: Fri, December 30th 2011 10:17pm    Post subject:
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...plots, then?
Morgan ZIM: Bounty Hunter, Gun for Hire, Freelance Peacekeeping Agent, Cybernetic Scoundrel, and all around disruptor of the normal order of things.
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Shayera Jendob

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 Post Posted: Fri, December 30th 2011 10:20pm    Post subject:
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Well, since no one wanted to go stargazing with Kendra on Dantooine... I suppose we can go straight to the exercise.:p
Empress Shayera Jendob

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Morgan ZIM
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 Post Posted: Fri, December 30th 2011 10:43pm    Post subject:
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If Jase doesn't mind.

I was having trouble figuring out a way to get Nick there without forcing it, anyway.
Morgan ZIM: Bounty Hunter, Gun for Hire, Freelance Peacekeeping Agent, Cybernetic Scoundrel, and all around disruptor of the normal order of things.
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Shayera Jendob

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 Post Posted: Fri, December 30th 2011 10:48pm    Post subject:
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That's all right. My last post indicates she'll likely be turning in shortly, anyway. Also threw in a couple technical bits about the exercise. Ideas, additions... issues? <_<
Empress Shayera Jendob

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Nick Zorrin
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 Post Posted: Sat, December 31st 2011 12:00am    Post subject:
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Got nothing at this point. :)
2nd Lieutenant Nick Zorrin; Imperial Remnant Army Officer

Ams Jendob wrote:
Never underestimate the power of the Moff side. ;)
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Tseneca Lowry-Fink

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 Post Posted: Sat, December 31st 2011 02:44am    Post subject:
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And Jess continues to wonder about her plot idea getting approved.... Anyone wanna take a swing?
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Kastor Antilles

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 Post Posted: Sat, December 31st 2011 12:20pm    Post subject:
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I'm pretty sure we decided no on the World Devestators... usually, as you know, we're extremely lenient with what we approve, but we usually ask ourselves "can the rest of the galaxy not have to get involved?" In this case, we think that World Devestators are too much of a threat to the rest of the galaxy to reasonably consider that it wouldn't require the rest of the galaxy to do something about it. If that makes sense. :p
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Tseneca Lowry-Fink

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 Post Posted: Sat, December 31st 2011 01:08pm    Post subject:
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I can't remember, but I think I also mentioned maybe not using the world devestator as a whole, but rather salvaging some parts in order to build a ship or a weapon for the Brotherhood to use against Krauss. If u remember Bakura, we were pretty high and dry with our measly ships guns against her armada. Would that be more feasible? What I'm trying to do is allow the brotherhood to find something on Dac that can help defend against the TE...
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Jade Anulay
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 Post Posted: Sat, December 31st 2011 01:21pm    Post subject:
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Tseneca Lowry-Fink wrote:
I can't remember, but I think I also mentioned maybe not using the world devestator as a whole, but rather salvaging some parts in order to build a ship or a weapon for the Brotherhood to use against Krauss. If u remember Bakura, we were pretty high and dry with our measly ships guns against her armada. Would that be more feasible? What I'm trying to do is allow the brotherhood to find something on Dac that can help defend against the TE...

Is it important that you ever actually use the ship against Krauss? Or would it be possible to re-work the plot idea so they think they're going to be able to assemble such a ship only for the parts to never actually emerge?

Or would that be too convoluted for what you have in mind?
Captain Jade Anulay

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Lucas Pallanén-Davad

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 Post Posted: Sat, December 31st 2011 01:22pm    Post subject:
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Yeah I agree, we need some kind of game-changer.
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Jade Anulay
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 Post Posted: Sat, December 31st 2011 01:27pm    Post subject:
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There's got to be better ways of doing that than pulling spare parts off a long dead old-Empire world-devastating superweapon.
Captain Jade Anulay

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Lucas Pallanén-Davad

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 Post Posted: Sat, December 31st 2011 01:34pm    Post subject:
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Just reading that makes it sound even more awesome, but we are open to suggestions. Like what this topic is for, promoting new plots.

The Blight Leaper has been almost everywhere, we've done almost everything... lol... we're just trying to find something new, epic, etc etc
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Tseneca Lowry-Fink

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 Post Posted: Sat, December 31st 2011 01:41pm    Post subject:
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Oi... I didn't mean to get everyones hackles all up, this really is the ONLY large scale plot device I've ever suggested. I like WDs because dark empire is my favorite series, I thought the historical significance would be cool.

And I'm sure there are other ways of doing it, jawa, thanks for that. Snark snark
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Morgan ZIM
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 Post Posted: Sun, January 01st 2012 12:32am    Post subject:
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Alright, I had a plot come to mind. I don't know if it'll happen early 2012, but it's something I'm planning to have happen sooner or later, so I figured I might as well put it here now so that other people can have it on their mind for later if they want.

Following the whole Bakura thing, Morgan got his pal Nor'teth and the Shape out of there, but in a condition where there's no telling when or where I might arrive. Of course, Morgan's not just going to assume his pal is alright if he takes too long to try to contact anyone, so the eventual plan is for him to gradually put more effort into finding his friend. While it's something that I could certainly do just by myself, it's also an idea that I think other people could join in on if they think they might be interested in where the idea might go.

Mind you, I don't have many details worked out yet, so there's not telling where it might go anyway. :P
Morgan ZIM: Bounty Hunter, Gun for Hire, Freelance Peacekeeping Agent, Cybernetic Scoundrel, and all around disruptor of the normal order of things.
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Ams Jendob

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 Post Posted: Sun, January 01st 2012 01:16am    Post subject:
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I like WDs because dark empire is my favorite series

It was my first EU. Had the audiotape when I was kid.

So I picked up the omnibus of the comics... and I have to ask, why is it your favorite? :p
Emperor Ams Jendob, Ruler of the Imperial Remnant


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Tseneca Lowry-Fink

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 Post Posted: Sun, January 01st 2012 04:56am    Post subject:
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Same reason... I had the comics and the audiobook when I was in fourth grade. My dad and I would listen to it on road trips... Father -daughter bonding and whatnot. :) i listened that thing to death. Lol.
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Ams Jendob

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 Post Posted: Sun, January 01st 2012 12:25pm    Post subject:
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Nostalgia I can understand, but... but it's sooooooooo bad. Cheesy can be done right (look at Starship Troopers <_<), but they did not do it right in DE. :p
Emperor Ams Jendob, Ruler of the Imperial Remnant


----"Moff", CMAC Dreamcrusher, Official Administrative Waldorf and Statler----
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Tseneca Lowry-Fink

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 Post Posted: Sun, January 01st 2012 03:54pm    Post subject:
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Oh it is truly awful... But I was so young that by the time I realized how bad it really was, I had long accepted it. Lol. There are so many othe great series, but this one has always been special.
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