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David O'Conner Orrion Carn

Joined: 18 Aug 2009 Posts: 8
Posted: Thu, August 20th 2009 07:57pm Post subject: Corellia, Coronet City, Coronet Starport |
Coronet City Cantina,
2100 hours
Booming music played, lights flashed, people shouted and screamed. Typical After-Party, David thought, Celebrate the last moments of freedom before being shipped off to patrol, or, The Force forbid, War. David sat at the bar, drinking as much of the free booze he could get before being sent off to where ever he‘d be assigned. Three empty drinking glasses sat next to one of his arms. He wore jet black combat boots, loose fitting, black jumpsuit trousers, and a grayish-black, sleeveless shirt. Sporting a pair of brown fingerless gloves and what’s left of a tattoo just above his left arm. Loosing his left arm in an accident during training. He looked at his hand, connected by a durasteel forearm prosthetic. The doctors were able to save his it, but not the entirety of his forearm. Only the bone survived, along with a few blood veins and nerve cords. You could call it a ‘Partial Prosthetic’, as it only covered the forearm to prevent infection. The skin and flesh never grew back, so he had to keep it. Save my hand my ass, He cursed inside his head as he gritted his teeth, I can barely feel it. If it wasn’t for that damned terrorist in the gym.
~~One year Earlier~~
David grabbed the pull-up bar and started pumping his muscles. “Ugh.” He grunted, One. he counted off in his head, “Ugh.” Two. He’d gotten to ten when he heard a commotion over at the other side of the gym.
“What’cha doing swinging that thing around!?” A recruit yelled at another, whom was hold a E-11 Blaster, he trained the sites onto the recruit, and fired. Killing him. Blood everywhere, laying in a puddle around his dead body. Security started to run in through the doors, but by that time it had gone to chaos. People running, screaming, trying to get away.
”TeRRoRiSt!!” a female recruit yelled, David could hear her over the screaming, and the dying. David had just started to react, but it was too late. The Terrorist spotted him, and fired three shots. The first one missed, but the other two hit their mark. Both hitting his arm. The Terrorist was shot dead by security personnel. But too late, he'd already killed three people and seven wounded. David didn’t feel any remorse for the wounded or the dead. He didn't make any friends in the Academy, not wanting to make connections or relationships. His father’s advice. As if they died, he wouldn’t be able to concentrate on combat situations. That was the only condition his father laid down, in order for him to join the New Republic.
~~Current Time~~
“Hey!” a fellow recruit said, yelling to David over the noise, “Hey! O’Conner!”
“What the Hell do you want?!” David said crudely,
“I’ve heard your good in an E-Wing!” He said, “Wanna see how you do in the Simulator with me as your wingman?!”
“… Get lost!” David replied as he went back to his drink.
“Fine!” He said as he walked away, “HEY! YOU!” He said about five feet from David, “Wanna do a round in the Simulator?!”
No Connections… No Relationships… David thought, then grabbed his glass of Ruby bliel, drank the last of it in one gulp, and said,
“To Hell with that…” _________________ Private David O'Conner of the New Republic Navy
Pilot of the 'Deathbringer', an E-Wing Escort Fighter.
Orrion Carn |
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David O'Conner Orrion Carn

Joined: 18 Aug 2009 Posts: 8
Posted: Sat, August 29th 2009 11:51pm Post subject: |
Corellia, Coronet Starport,
Military Sector
David exited the Academy Speeder, a bus sized terrestrial hovercraft. It carried all thirty of the graduated recruits from the Academy Dorms to the Starport. He looked up into the sky and ships of all size and shape flew around the area. Civilian and military alike. He smiled at the delicate ballet of ships weaving in and around each other. Which was a rare thing for him to smile. No one saw him smile at the Academy, keeping to himself. As his father suggested. But that agreement was broken last night. He didn’t care about the agreement. Having a connection with his future wingmates would help them connect in battle and synchronize. Speaking of his father, he had to… Call him and his mother before them left for Coruscant. He saw a holonet station nearby inside the Starport. He heaved his duffle bag over his shoulder and walked over to it.
“Where you going, O’Conner?” The Instructor yelled. David didn’t stop his momentum, he just turned back and said, “I just gotta make a call to my Mom and Dad, this is the first time I’ve left system, I gotta tell them where I’m going.” He finished with a smirk.
*Cough* “Worry-wart.”*Cough* someone said from within the ranks of the pilots. A flurry of laughter came from within the group. David looked back with the same smirk he had before, unscathed by them.
He tapped a button on the Holonet console and a female voice asked, “Hello, and welcome to the Holonet. Who would you like to Contact, and where are they located?”
“Margaret O’Conner and William O’Conner. Talus. My name is David O‘Conner.”
“Processing… Connection enabled… Please wait for recipients to anwser the Call.”
A moment which seemed like forever passed, but his parents finally picked up.
“David!?” His mother asked as her image flickered on the screen, “Is that you?”
“Hey, Mom,” David said with a smile, “How is everything?”
“How is everything!?!?” She yelled, “You haven’t talked to us since you went to that stupid Academy!”
“Sorry, I was… Busy.” He replied as he looked down to his arm. “And they didn‘t have a Holonet console for the recruits at the Academy. Hey, where’s Dad?”
“Oh, Honey….” She said softly, “What happened to your Arm?”
“Nothing, A training accident… Now, Where’s Dad?”
“… David…”
“What happened!?!?” David asked profusely,
“He’s dead. He died five months after you left for the Academy.” David braced himself against the console. “How’d that happen?”
“We all, You, me and your older brothers, knew he was getting old. He was sixty-two years old, David. He died of a heart attack.”
Transport 3-14 for Coruscant now leaving in Fifteen minutes. All military personel must be onboard before departure.
“Hey, I gotta go… We’ll talk later. I won’t let this slip from my mind. As soon as I find another Holonet Console, I’ll call you.”
“Okay, David.” his mother said softly, “Have a nice flight to Coruscant. I love you, Sweety.”
“Okay, Mom. Tell everyone I called.”
“I will.”
“Bye, Mom.” David turned off the console and walked to the rest of the Academy Pilots.
“Hey, David!” A female pilot said, “You okay?”
“Not really,” He replied, “I’ll tell you on the flight. What’s your name?”
“Nice to meet you.”
Not very good, I know, but it's all I could come up with. _________________ Private David O'Conner of the New Republic Navy
Pilot of the 'Deathbringer', an E-Wing Escort Fighter.
Orrion Carn |
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Lucas Pallanén-Davad Alex

Joined: 01 Aug 2009 Posts: 1153 Location: Aboard the Blight Leaper
Posted: Thu, September 29th 2011 01:44am Post subject: |
The Corellian Starport was nothing exotic nor was the planet anything close to his homeworld. Still, the girl took in the nature of Coronet with wonder and excitement. The Force translated her silence, the sadness and traumatic experience of losing her mother was softly eased at all the familiar sights and sounds. She preferred to hold his hand as they walked through the many districts, until finally reaching a member of CorSec. The officer was wearing a light blue jacket with his insignia prominently placed.
"Ah, you must be Miss Jensen."
"Yes." The girl answered, but not without shyness.
"I am Carl, I am very pleased to meet you." He stuck out his hand and with reservations, she shook it. His attention shifted and he said, "Mr. Davad, we are quite appalled at the events of Bespin and our deepest sympathies go out to the families... to the New Republic. Please pass that along to the Jedi..."
Lucas nodded, but knew it was an empty gesture. The Corellian Star Empire was just short of being sympathetic to galactic tragedies, and if it weren't for Han Solo, Lucas might have damned all the Corellians as heartless human-demons. "Of course, Carl. Have you made any progress locating Jensen's family?"
"Her aunt appears to have moved, which is not unusual. She was promoted to the southern hemisphere. It is only a matter of time before we get into touch with her. CorSec would like to thank you for rescuing one of our citizens as we can take it from here." Carl smiled, the white teeth seemed to dazzle in the sunlight as Lucas felt a tightened squeeze from the girl's hand. She didn't want him to leave, at least, not yet.
"If you don't mind, I'll be staying a bit longer."
The man shrugged, "Of course." It was probably the mutual hatred the pair had for each other's homeworlds, but whatever it was, Lucas did not like Carl, and it was the very least he could do was make do on the promise he had given to the woman left to die on Bespin. Together the trio entered a CorSec patrol vehicle and through the morning sun, they made their way to headquarters.
If all went well, Jensen could be home, eating with her family by dinner. But things never really went according to plan... |
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Lucas Pallanén-Davad Alex

Joined: 01 Aug 2009 Posts: 1153 Location: Aboard the Blight Leaper
Posted: Mon, October 03rd 2011 02:49am Post subject: |
CorSec HQ was not far from the spaceport, in fact, it was directly adjacent from it. Tthe building was large enough that Lucas felt safe and with the amount of attention Jensen was getting, he was much more relaxed. Still, he hadn't checked in with his family nor did he attempt to contact Anakin Solo. Lucas let out a sigh, one that caused the girl to reach over and put her small hand across his shoulder as one of the motherly cops retrieved a fresh plush toy from a bin. The toy looked gungan in nature, but much more cartoonish. Jensen took to the fluff-filled friend immediately, her eyes widening as the cop made the gungan dance and jiggle.
Lucas laughed a little, letting his own innocence and youth enjoy the fun. It wasn't very often he was allowed these types of moments and when they came, he cherished them. For about an hour they played, using what toys the Corellians could muster to continually recharge their attention spans. The door opened and a long man stepped inside, his face warn with years of experience. He had a friendly smile, one that reminded him of his grandfather who lived on a retired estate on Bastion.
"Miss Jensen, I believe we have someone here for you."
A small woman, possibly in her young thirties stepped inside. The woman was shy, but at the sight of the young girl, she collapsed from her emotions, swallowing the child in a large hug. Lucas felt his eyes swarm with tears, watching as Jensen released all the pent up emotion of her own. In the window, Lucas could see several CorSec officers, including Carl. Lucas waited near the door as the pair walked over.
"Thank you so much," the woman repeated over and over, "I can't tell you how much..." She broke down and Lucas allowed some time for the moment to pass. He retrieved a credit stick from his pocket and handed it to her. It was loaded with enough to cover the next sixteen years of the girl's life, and then some. The woman wept hysterically when she saw the amount, praising several of the Corellian's religious deities.
Lucas bent low and handed the girl another credit stick. "I want you to hold on to this one, better yet, let your Aunt hold on to this. A special account will be waiting for you when you turn 20. Any and all academy expenses will be covered, a small ship will be provided for you, but you must promise to live your life like how your mother would've wanted. Find the good in this galaxy and promote it. Find yourself and never stop believing in what you can do. Can you do this?"
She nodded with large eyes.
"Good." He handed her the stick and bowed to her like any Jedi would, before dropping a small kiss to her forehead. He left the room, not saying another word and without looking back. Before long, he was out of the Corellian's office and into a speeder.
It was time to find his friends. |
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