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Renatasia III, The Centrality
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Corask Slen'da

Joined: 30 May 2010
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 Post Posted: Sat, October 30th 2010 12:24am    Post subject: Renatasia III, The Centrality
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Celebratus Archive Repository
Entry No. (400391093-1929374-98283)

RENATASIA III, Renatasia System, Centrality (Grid U-5, 180.350.14) Agriworld settled by the planet GRIZMALT c. 3904 BBY. Contact lost with the galaxy shortly after settlement, and was rediscovered and conquered by the Galactic Empire (#ref 39002-129304) and The Centrality (#ref 39002-129584). (See the Butcher of Renatasia). Most of the terrain and population was destroyed during the conquest. Efforts to rebuild have been hampered by the Centran Standing Emergency (#ref 11231-15910)

Human stock. Originally numbering in the hundreds of millions, Renatasia III suffered a massive invasion by Imperial forces with most of the population massacred. Population remnants are now housed within "Habitation Zones", which are the focus of rebuilding efforts.

"Habitation Zones" now a feature mixture of pre-space and spacefaring technologies, while those outside the zones live in pre-space standards.

Culture: Xenosociologists were unable to complete research before the conquest of Renatasia, and subsequent attempts have been stymied by continued conflict. Current "Habitation Zone" culture revolves around themes of remembrance, revenge, and eventual redemption and renewal. See file (#ref 400391093-392).

Renatasia III was, until galactic discovery, divided into several competing sub-units. Briefly united by the emissaries of the Centrality, and was jointly occupied after a brutal conflict. Currently under the political control of the Centrality. Those opposing Centran rule live scattered throughout Renatasia III in the ruins of their civilization.


Categories: Outer Rim Planets, The Centrality, Military Conquests of the Galactic Empire, Destroyed Planets, Colonies of Grimzalt

* * *

War, disasters and instability had struck the Centrality down in a near-perfect storm. First, the return of the Sharu shattered the Rafa system, causing a massive refugee crisis and the collapse of the Rafan economy, a massive blow to the Centran economy.

Then the massive retalitory strike by the Renatasian Resistance on the capital planet of Erilnar; killing over a million and injuring millions more. Some call it butchery, but the Resistance called it a payment on the hundreds of millions of kin murdered by the Centrans long ago.

This opened the period of what the Centrans called the "Standing Emergency". Martial law was declared on many planets, with an orbital blockade of the Renatasia system and a forced migration of the survivors into concentration camps called "Habitation Zones". Demonstrations for civil liberties and lifting of martial law were crushed with violence, beginning the cycle of revolution. Flames of discontent flared across the worlds of the Centrality.

The Renatasians gladly welcomed these new allies. New recruits came in; other subjugated and disaffected peoples of the Centrality, as well freebooters, adventurers and scum. Forced from the open market and normal methods of communication, the Resistance was forced to deal with the underworld, and through the cracks in the Centran military control came the agents of chaos, the smugglers, the pirates, the Hutts and the slaving groups.

The headquarters of resistance still existed in the remnants of their ruined worlds, and used smuggling ships to import food and water, and to export terror and death to their camps bases scattered throughout the Centrality.

- Corask Slen'da, Report to the Council
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Cragus 12

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 Post Posted: Sun, October 31st 2010 07:16pm    Post subject: A Losing Venture: Pt I
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A bright light came down from the grey skies of Renatasia III. The sonic booms thundered across the sky as the light slowed and expanded. Soon hull details became visible as the crescent shape of the light freighter's body sloweed over the plains, aiming toward the distant hills. It's trajectory flattened out as it neared the hill range and mountains of the northern reaches. Cragus 12 looked over his instruments and spoke to his droid.

"Distance from the target encampment?" An electronic voice replied, a harsh grating sound.

"The Claw is approximately 120 kilometres away and closing. We will be entering their atmospheric sensor nets within moments."

Cragus considered the odds, then made a decision. Switching to repulsorlifts, he deftly landed the Claw only a few moments later within a burnt out forest. He went to the lower cargo ramp, lowered it, and activated his speeder bike. Ash and dark matter began to drift in from the outside world. Activating it's humming, he mounted it and moved down the ramp and on to the grey ash world below.

The wind swept through the dead trees, and ash coated the trees, the dead logs, the distant frames of burnt out dwellings. Drifts of ash alread began coated the exterior of the Claw.

Instructing the droid to activate a perimiter sensor net, and to contact him only in an emergency, he sped off into the night, the hum of the speeder bike already fading before the ash trail began to fall back to earth.

* * *

Cragus sped across the devastated landscape, ash clouds billowing in his wake. He moved through the hills, and in a valley, framed by the mountains, stood the remnants of a once-might city. They would have a ring of observers around the city. Activating his enhanced vision, he examined the surrounding area for any emission; energy signals, light, heat, smoke or gas emissions. Nothing but grey overcast and the detritus and grey ashes of a dead world. Recieving nothing, he left his speeder bike a building on the edge of the city, and spread a camoflague ECM netting over it. He draped an ECM embedded camoflauge cape over his shoulders and continued on foot into the first of the empty and blasted streets.

* * *

Every few meters of his advance through the lines of observers, he planted an explosive. Finally, he reached the edge of the plaza that housed the encampment. A few of the plaza's buildings were resucitated as accomodations and control rooms for the camp; the square itself held a modern looking shield generator, and several of the buildings sported new-looking communications and radar towers. From behind the buildings poked the snouts of atmospheric turbolaser and ion cannon towers. Blackout curtains had been pulled across the openings of all the occupied buildings. There had also been some attempt to sweep back the everpresent drifts ash and dead soil.

Stationed around the plaza were older Yutrane-Trackata hover and repulsor-tanks, as well as a single TX-series fighter tank. None looked active, and all lay on their landing struts to preserve power. Pairs of googled and masked guards walked the inner perimeter, but overall, the camp looked quiet. A low thrum told of an energy reactor nearby.

Cragus pulled up on his visor HUD the information he'd acquired on Junkfort Station. Symbols and readings slid into place across his visor. The informant had placed the Commandant's lodgings as.. there. His optical system fed symbols and readings directly into his brain, requiring no external equipment like micro-binoculars.

* * *

The first explosions rippled far off. The alert siren began immediately but the Commander, an old veteran of warfare, had already instantly awoken and alert. The first flashes of light faded from around the edges of the blackout curtains sealing off the windows. Explosions sounded further off, and the camp reacted quickly to the attack. Suddenly, the Commander heard a pair of stun bolts, and then the thuds as his bodyguard outside hit the floor. He leapt to his feet and moved into a corner of the room. A third thud preceded the door flying open, and a large figure bounding through and rolling on the floor. The Commander's blaster fired twice, then fell from his hands as a stun bolt coursed through his body, and he fell.

The figure moved out of the shadows and quickly bound up the Commander. The Commander was not unconscious, his will was too strong to be subdued by stun bolts, but he could not focus his eyes, or understand the sounds his ears were hearing. The sound of explosions grew nearer. A few Renatasians began probing the night with carbine fire, and the heavy sound of the tanks repulsors began to surge.

"Centran.. scum." he gurgled, putting all of his effort into regaining his voice. The armoured figure made no response, but finished applying the bonds. He wrapped the Commander within the camoflauge cape, then in a single motion swept the body on to his shoulder. Moving to the door, he looked cautiously one way, then the other, and then was gone.

* * *

Back at the Claw, GX-99 registered an approaching contact from across the plains. It grew slowly, but already GX-99 could see it was his master returning on his speeder bike. A heavy bundle was draped over the hindquarters of the bike. He met Cragus at the rear cargo hatch.

"A successful acquisition, Master?"

"Yes. I took some injury, but pursuit is not far off." With that, they took off the camoflauge cape from the commander, and after a quick but professional search, threw him into the detention block. The duo reached the bridge just as the sensors were registering a pack of speeder bikes, and, farther off, a pair of the faster hover tanks closing on their position.

The Claw was quickly prepped, and suffered only a few blaster bolts as it raised off of it's repulsorlifts, swung on it's three axis and disappeared into the night, rattling the ground for kilometres around, disturbing the accumulated ash from a dead world.

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Cragus 12

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 Post Posted: Wed, November 03rd 2010 06:32pm    Post subject: A Losing Venture: Pt 2
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The Claw, Outbound from Renatasia III

The Commander, still groggy from the stun blast and the suppressant that Cragus had applied, regained consciousness and watched his captor regarding him in turn. The Commander saw a tall and powerful humanoid. Separate pieces of chrome armour encased his feet, knees, core, and chest and shoulders. A white utility belt surrounded his waist and hips, and armoured gloves and wristguards fitted his hands. A chrome helmet with a flat top and ending with an angled chin, and finally power cables snaked from underneath his back armour and spread to his wrists, and his waist and chest pieces.

Cragus saw in his turn a man slightly dirty and dishevelled hair. He wore a much-used uniform undershirt and pants of the military of one of Renatasia's old nation-states. His jacket and boots were gone, taken by Cragus and stowed away. His face was still bleary, and deeply creased with lines of grief and tension, and intelligence and command. Despite his appearance, the Commander held a proud bearing, one of courage and conviction. He began to regain his bearings as the memory of his capture regained.

The Commander spoke through sodden lips.

"..a.. bount' hunter. I shou' ..h'.known."

Cragus nodded. Both he and his captive knew the state and competence of the Centran military. The Commander's thoughts moved on.

"I.. will.. never betray.. my brothers... and my sisters."

Cragus stood outside the containment hold. He replied, his emotionless and deliberate voice made flatter through his helmet speaker.

"That will not be necessary. Your comrades will have evacuated the base and moved on to another secret location, one that is unknown to you. And, I honour the terms of the contract with my clients. Your allies were not in the contract. And, undamaged."

The Commander sneered. A man of high intelligence, energy, and conviction, then. Cragus also noticed he had regained his mental equilibrium. His words came out clearer.

"Your clients. The Centrans?"

Cragus nodded. The Commander sneered again.

"Is that what you call them? Clients? You'll quickly find out how they honour their promises with their "contractors". You must have been in dire straits to have taken a contract with the Centrans."

The shot hit home, but Cragus did not react. He took a moment to respond.

"The Centrans offered a high bounty. If they do not give the proffered reward, then I will kill you myself. Or find someone who will pay for you."

The Commander gave Cragus a knowing smile. "It was your lack of reaction that confirmed it for me. A man with many resources would not engage with the Centrans, knowing their troubles." His tone changed, persuasive. "My allies, although surely have moved on by now, are also surely tracking this ship. They would be well disposed to recovering me by peaceful means, as we have no quarrel with you. At least with the Renatasians, you will be guaranteed the ransom."

Cragus tilted his head.

"I prefer not to deal with spice, weapons, or slaves. For all of your high-minded ideals, you do not hesitate to deal with scum."

"So did the Alliance of Free Planets," was the Commander's rejoinder.

Cragus turned away, done with him. But the COmmander was not done with the man-droid.

"Wait. About my bounty.. was it for anything in particular?"

"The massacre on Rafa V." The Commander's eyebrow raised.


"You are accused of ordering the deaths of an entire New Republic-sponsored archeological team. Five hundred dead."

Surprised, the Commander nodded.

"Well, we didn't.. but I see why they would be so hasty to accuse us of murder."

Cragus walked away. So could Cragus. The Centran military dictatorship needed economic and military support to maintain their control of many troubled worlds, and to recover from the economic and political disasters that had befallen the Centrality of late.

By accusing the Renatasian Resistance of complicity in the deaths of hundreds of New Republic citizens, they could pull the New Republic, or at least it's nearest member worlds, into assisting them in their domestic affairs. It was a thin accusation by the Centrans. The Renatasians and their rebellious allies rarely attacked non-Centran targets or citizens, and with the Centrans reportedly blockading the planet and refusing access by any non-Centran authority, Cragus doubted the Republic would ever get officially involved.

But Cragus didn't care whether the Commander was guilty or innocent of that, or of anything. What mattered was the job, the art, done well. And of course, credits.

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Cragus 12

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 Post Posted: Sun, November 14th 2010 03:09pm    Post subject: A Losing Venture - Pt V
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Upper Atmosphere, Renatasia III

The "dossier" given to the Blackstar Irregulars has made two things clear. First, the city of New Tiz Arriv was clearly prepared as a fortress. While the Centrans maintained control of many of the surrounding villages and suburbs, the Renatasians had seized the downtown core and most of the major governmental complexes, including the power generator and the atmospheric and city shields. The turbolasers, ion cannon, and laser batteries the Centrans had installed to enforce their quarantine of the planet, were seized by the RLA and turned against their former owners. In terms of population and defenders, Renatasian refugees and Centran relief workers had poured out of the city after the seizure, overloading the remaining Centran refugee centers. Rebel spokespersons and Centran diplomats blamed each other for the thousands of suffering.

That of course is not our problem. The second thing made clear is, however. We are undoubtedly expendable, and it's likely we'll be considered disposable at the end of this mission as well. Keep your heads down.

Captain Balan, Blackstar Irregulars; Confedential Message to Cragus 12

* * * *

To the distant Renatasian defenders of New Tiz Arriv, a night sky's worth of lights descended from space, heading for the horizon. Moments later, a veritable shock wave of sonic booms hammered across their front lines. The long-awaited Centran counter-stroke was under way.

From the black and grey world below, constellation of lights appeared rose to meet the descending armada. Over the comm, a gravelly voice crackled. "Planetary defences are responding, set deflectors to double-forward. Formation Aleph."

Balan's crackled warning was not needed, however, and the formations spread out for maneuvering room. Bolts of azure and red swept from the surface and thundered by the Claw.

Behind them, one of the large Centran transports took a brace of hits, immediately turning it's controlled dive into a uncontrollable spin. Smoke and fire poured from it as escape pods began pumping out of it's flanks. Another Centran transport stalled and then dropped, blue electrical overloads crackling across its surface.

The armada spread out to avoid the blasts, and the groups dropped through layers of cloudbanks to seek the safety of the horizon. Leveling out, fat transports and sleek snubfighters swept over stifled plains, dried lakes, dead woods and crumbling cities of the dying world. Cragus, satisfied at his droid pilot's handling, moved back into the main lounge and cargo hold.

His hold was crammed full of mercenary troops, all with the black diamond patch sewn or attached onto their mismatched combat gear. Surveying the mercenary bravos, one thing was clear; this squad was all disposable. The Echani Balan had recognized the type of contract for what it was, and the Claw's hold was full of short-time contract riff-raff, bantha fodder to protect his core mercenary squad.

He turned to the mercenary subcommander, a heavy set Aqualish, and through his voice filters prepared the mercenary.

"We will land within moments. Prepare your troopers for combat."

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Cragus 12

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 Post Posted: Sun, February 13th 2011 10:27pm    Post subject: A Losing Venture - Pt VI
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New Tiz Arriv

The Centran advance was well underway when the Renatasian Liberation guerillas launched their surprises. Leaving the secondary approaches to the infantry and mercenaries, the Centran mechanized units chose the main thoroughfare for their assault. Tanks and walkered trudged down the broad avenue led straight into the heart of the city, each surrounded by infantry. On the secondary routes, Centran infantry and mercenaries backed by light assault vehicles. Overhead, Imperial-era Escort Fighters provided aircover.

The Givin lieutenant and his Blackstar squad, including Cragus 12, followed one of these secondary penetrations.

* * * *

Just then, the Givin stiffened his poise, and slowed his stride. [I don't like how far we are going without meeting resistance. Something is wrong.]

As if reading the Givin's thoughts, the world went white, and the squad was forced to the ground.

A massive mine had exploded under the thoroughfare, right under the middle of the Centran attack. Exposed personnel were disintegrated, while assault vehicles fared no better. Whole columns of Centran assault machines were slagged, tipped over and unrecognizable as war machines. Subsidary explosions continued to consume buildings and vehicles.

As the blast faded, the damage was revealed. And enormous crater appeared in the center of the roadway, and buildings facing for a half kilometre around were gutted, demolished, or on fire. Renatasians had already begun their counter-attack.

From all sides, Renatasian guerrillas appeared on rooftops, buildings and even from the sewers, firing on the Centrans and launching various explosive types.

With Cragus's team, it was no different. Even before the concussive blastwave had died down, the Centran assault team in front of them was ambushed. Renatasians appeared on the rooftops with rocket launchers, and fired down into the Centrans below. The Strike Speeder was caught right away, and was hit several times before landing heavily on the street. Though downed, it's blaster cannons began to lash out, clearing guerrillas from windows and rooftops. The Centran troopers darted into doorways and along walls, firing back. From a block up the street, a band of guerrillas took up positions and began laying blasterfire on the stalled vanguard.

A Centran 1-H Hovertank moved its way around the downed Strike Speeder, it's main cannon coming into play. Buildings began to sag and fall apart apart under the cannon fire, and the enemy's infantry began to fade. With the extra support, the Centran troopers began to advance, leapfrogging doorways and stairwells against guerrilla fire.

Just as they were gaining headway, the guerillas brought out another surprise. With pre-positioned explosives, explosions, smoke and debris billowed out of buildings just in front of the Centran advance. The buildings collapsed in on themselves, and spilled masonry and even walls over and into the street. A wall of dust and smoked rolled across the battefront, stopping all fire for a few moments. As the dust settled from the rubble, Renatasian blasterfire began spitting out from the newly created roadblock. A guerilla Freerunner cornered a distant street and settled into a hull-down position behind the rubble. The guerilla Freerunner and the Centran mechanized units began concentrating on each each other, while a webwork of blue, yellow and red blasterfire streamed out from their supporting troopers.

From a vantage point a few blocks behind the firefight, the Givin subcommander watched backup Centran infantry and vehicles move up to reinforce the beleaguered advance. He turned to Cragus 12 and the rest of the team. The Givin's chitinous voice chattered out his decision.

[This attack has failed and will go no further. We will find our own way.]

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Cragus 12

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 Post Posted: Sun, February 13th 2011 10:39pm    Post subject: A Losing Venture - Pt VII
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The Depths of New Tiz Arriv

The Givin mercenary had extricated themselves from the bloody brawl, although he had to dodge several Renatasian patrols and reinforcements hurrying from other parts of the city to reinforce the defenders, were closing on the command centre well ahead of the advance. They had just dodged another Renatasian patrol, it's chatter of it's radio still receding in the distance.

"..repreat, Krill Squad, fall back to Sector 11. Senth squad, move into holding positions in Sector 57. Onith Squad, move to Sector 18. Prepare to begin.."

[What a slaughter.] The Givin remarked, and motioned the team ahead.

They crossed paths with many Renatasian guerilla units moving to the sound of the fighting, the sounds of squawking and chatter of their commlinks retiring after the rebel reinforcements.

One of the assault team turned to the Givin lieutenant. "That didn't sound good. What does it mean?"

The Givin looked even more skeletal and grimmer than usual. [From what I can gather from our own comm-reports, our advance units are farther into the city than Balan and the Centrans expected. It most likely meant that the rebels are drawing them into further traps.

"Should we warn them?"

[No, of course not. Captain Balan is not an idiot, even if our paymasters are. Let's continue.]

The orderly Centran advance had broken down into a brawl. With the main axis of advance ambushed, the Centran assault had mired into a massive and vicious brawl in the streets and alleys of New Tiz Arriv. Centran, Blackstar and RLA guerillas slipped into each other's lines, clashed, separated, and clashed again with other enemies. Rebel and Centran armoured vehicles stalked each other through the city streets while overhead, any Centran airstrike was foiled by the carefully conserved Renatasian airspeeders.

While Centran commanders had lost all control of their forces within the maze of streets and alleys, they enjoyed better coordination over the advance up the main thoroughfare. The massive crater had been overcome, and Centran mechanized reserves were grinding through the guerilla lines. Still, resistance was heavy, with the RLA falling back on a series of prepared fortifications. Centran AT-STs were now moving up, their twin turbolaser cannon firing non-stop. At the guerilla end of the thoroughfare, Rebel artillery had moved up to directly support the defenders. Aiming directly down the boulevard, they aimed and fired.

One artillery blast landed a blow squarely on an AT-ST command cockpit, and after the smoke had blown away, only the legs were still standing. Still, more walkers, and hover and tracked vehicles made their way up through the morass. Waves of Centrans and mercenaries crawled, jumped or ran over the wreckage and ruins.

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Cragus 12

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 Post Posted: Mon, February 21st 2011 03:53pm    Post subject: A Losing Venture - Pt VIII
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I've always imagined the battle for New Tiz Arriv to have the feel of the combat scene from The Children of Men.

Renatasian Command, New Tiz Arriv

The cackle of blasterfire and the thuds of explosives rose and fell in the distance as Cragus and the small band of Blackstars ducked and scurried among the ruined streets of New Tiz Arriz. Vapour smoke and bands of gas wafted all around, reducing distant figures and vehicles to dark shadows flitting through the clouds.

Cragus and the Blackstars skirted the running firefights between the RLA guerillas and the pursuing Centrans. They travelled the scored and rubbish-filled streets, using burnt out vehicles, refuse and rubble as cover. They passed boarded up buildings, and used skeleton framed filled with rubble as cover against passing guerilla patrols.

As they approached a large, low building in the middle of the city, The Givin rose a fist; his team stopped. Cragus moved forward. The Givin gestured with a and with a low whisper.

[Looks like our intelligence is right. Despite its disabled appearance, there is much activity around this building.]

The building was indeed "disabled". Three of its wings were completely demolished and gutted. The main building, or "Keep" was burnt out on it's top floor, and most of the windows were boarded up or gaping empty. There seemed no movement from within the building. Outside of it, however, were small bunkers and guard posts, backed by a pair of well-camoflagued anti-vehicle cannon. Figures in the distance were entering and exiting the building.

Cragus gazed at it a moment, then spoke.

"We go down," His voice came out raspy, either from the everpresent smoke or dust, or ill-use. "We'll need to find sanitation tunnels or their air-exchange ventilators."

The skeletal face of the Givin looked at him a moment, then blinked its eyes in approval.

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Cragus 12

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 Post Posted: Mon, March 07th 2011 08:31pm    Post subject: A Losing Venture: Pt IX
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Renatasian Liberation Army Operations Room Bosh, New Tiz Arriv, Renatasian III

The babble of conversation and buzz of comm chatter filled the air of the operations room. Dozens of grimy Renatasians and other species were moving around a number of holoprojector tanks, flatscreens and map-covered tables. Catwalks above the room held armed guards. To the side, the radio center was jammed with technicians. Overhead, the lights flickered and dust fell from the corners of the room every time the thud of explosives was heard. In the center of the room, a sewage drain exuded a slender tentacle. It pointed this way and that, then withdrew back into the pipe.

At the floor level, several pairs of eyes looked out of an ventilation grating. Within the sewer, a slimy and dirty mercenary collected his fibre-camera, and then turned and crawled down the shaft into a lower room, a shambles of wreckage of a service corridor. All the mercenaries were slimy and filthy as their journey through the sewers, cesspools, and rubble rubbed off on them. At their feet, two ragtag guerillas lay, their pockets rifled. The Harsch straightened, and turning on the holorecorder, he turned his six eyes on the Givin lieutenant and made his report. Silently, Cragus 12 listened and memorized the description.

"It's pretty well secured, sir. <too-too-tok-tok> There are undoubtedly guard posts outside the room as well, and the floor above our targets is occupied as well. <too-too-too-tok-tok>" The Harch finished reporting. The Givin nodded.

[Any of our target bounties?]

"Yes sir." The Harsch scrolled his way to the recorder, focussing on the images of three humans and an long-beaked H'nemthe.

"More proof that outsiders are assisting the Renatasians. That H'nemthe is R'iiyoon Plasic, a noted weapons smuggler and agent of the Hutts."

[Then all we have is surprise, and thermal detonators. The Centrans bounties have the "no disintegrations" clause, but we'll have to take our chances. A live body is preferable to dead or dismembered one, but we can't get into this or as this close to our bounties, any other way. We have to move fast or else these sentries will be missed. We plant the thermal detonators below that operations room, fire the floor between us and them, and come up blasting. We kill or stun everyone, then identify and most the most valuable bounties and then pull back through the sewers. No grenades or detonators after the first explosion; we'll be statisically blessed if this building doesn't come down on us. Any objections?]

Nobody did, but Cragus 12 had a single request.

"I'm in first."


"I need the credits the Centrans promised on any extra guerillas we kill."

* * * * * * * * *

To those within the operations room, it seemed as though the floor rose. With a white flash and a massive concussion the floor to the operations room blew upward in a large explosion. Tables, equipment, and bodies went flying, and smoke, flying debris filled the air. Above, several of the catwalks were loosened and came down into the room. As the explosive and concussion subsided, the dazed survivors came back to their senses to the sounds of blaster and stunfire. One, a massive armoured giant, took long side-step while taking long scythe-like sweeps with his forearm. Blasterfire stuttered from his forearm blaster into the dust and dark of the room. His left hand was busy lobbing luma and stun grenades at any sign silhouette or sign of movement. A few blaster shots came back out of the darkness, but they were as unaimed as Cragus's were. Once the dust began to clear, however, it would be far more accurate.

[MOVE, MOVE] the Givin lieutenant screamed. They had only moments.

The other Black Star mercenaries climbed up into the soot and dust filled room. With assault rifles at the ready, they fanned out and began to check downed guerillas against the target bounties they had memorized.

"too-took-too-took-Got one!" The Harch yelled, and began pulling the body back to the hole.

Cragus moved toward the main entrance, firing where a backup alert squad had arrived and deployed. One spun off with a blaster to his shoulder, while the rest hunkered down behind the doorway or behind upturned debris and furniture, and began firing.

Cragus went down to one knee, spraying around the doorway. He launched, one, two grenades into the return fire. With a pair of flashes and painful yells, the guard's fire slackened momentarily. Cragus took the moment to move to over, an upturned holographic display table. The table took a couple of thuds as blasterfire hit it, but Cragus was covered. He rested his forearm horizontally on the table edge, and without looking began to fire back at the guerillas at the doorway.

Some Fortune smiled on Cragus 12 then, the first in a long time; he looked down at the sound of groaning, and saw the remnants of the gun smuggler, R'iiyoon Plasic.

Just then, his radio buzzed.

[We've got a couple of prizable bounties, Cragus. Fall back with your own. We'll provide covering fire.]

From a few meters behind him, two blaster rifles opened up on the doorway guards. Cragus 12 grabbed the H'nemth by the forearm, and began to bodily pull the Plasic back with his left hand, firing bursts with his right forearm.

* * * *

With a couple of whumps!, the team's last proton detonators brought down the access tunnel which connected the sewer to the operations building.

The Givin's grimy skull face looked weary. [That will give us a few minutes to re-organize and fall back. Now, who did we get, and who did we lose?]

They were down one Black Star mercenary, a Kaleesh, who took a stray bolt as they were searching for bounties. They left him in the access tunnel when they brought it down; a fitting memorial of the Kaleesh to be buried with his enemies.

Their bag for their team was substantial. In addition to the Hutt-connected gun runner Plasic, they picked up a pair of Renatasians the Centrans had identified as a senior and junior commander of the RLA. The senior was dead and missing limbs, but the junior was injured, but still alive. The Harsh quickly and efficiently cut off the head and hands of the dead rebel, and then rifled the pockets for valuable objects that could confirm the being's identity.

"Now comes the hard part," Cragus 12 said "Getting the full price of these bounties from the Centrans."

* * * *

With the fighting winding down, the four Black Stars pushed and prodded their two captives. The H'nemthe was speaking persuasively to Cragus 12.

"I do not know why you captured me. I was just a bystander; practically a captive! Lord Looba will not be pleased to hear of his servant being treated like a common criminal."

"Save it for the Centrans. I am sure they will pay out to discover the Hutts have been supplying the guerillas with weaponry. From you, they will probably get why as well."

"Oh? And do you think there is a price on my head? From the Centrans? I doubt they knew I was here." Plasic jeered, "And, I doubt they will give you a proper reward, or even the promised reward or this poor patriot," nodding to the other captive."

Cragus 12 stiffened a moment. "Another guerilla once told me that."

Plasic sensed he was on to something. "..And he was right, wasn't he?" At Cragus 12's silence, he continued. "If you take me away and transport me to Junkfort Station, Looba will hear of this and reward you, not for returning me, but for not letting the secrets I carry for him fall in the hands of the Centrans."

Cragus 12 continued his silence.

* * * *

At the outskirts of New Tiz Arriv, the Black Stars had corralled all of their captives to be processed by a Centran Mercenary Liasion team. The Black Stars were getting only percentages of the bounties the Centrans had promised. In the line-up, Plasic gave Cragus 12 a meaningful look. Captain Balan was protesting the low rate on the bounties.

"We don't care what you and your kind think, scum. We'll give you what we care to," the Centran snarled back.

As Balan snapped and raged at the Centrans, Cragus made his decision. He strode over and grabbed Plasic out of the line-up. "I'm taking this one with me.. he's got a bounty with the Hutts." The Centran officer strode up from the head of the line. All around, the Black Star mercenaries and Centran military stiffened as the tension mounted. The Centran officer in his arrogance began to lecture.

"He's going no-where, bounty hunter. Know your place; this whole assault was a Centran operation, and you are a paid mercenary! As such that man is a prisoner and property of the Centran Hegemony, and we will reward you as we see fit!"

"The Hutts will reward me far more than you will, Centran."

In response, the Centran pulled out his blaster pistol and pointed it at Plasic's head. As Plasic began to stutter a response, the Centran officer executed him. The H'nemthe's body hit the ground, and the Centran meet Cragus 12's armoured visor.

"This man's bounty was for alive only. It looks like you'll be receiving no reward for him." The Centran spat.

In Cragus 12's mind snapped, and his armoured gauntlet hand formed into a fist and smashed the visage of the Centran officer. Blood sprayed from his shattered face as he reeled backward. Centran troopers attempted to grab and secure his arms as the wounded officer gasped.

"Arrest this man! You had your own ship, didn't you!? Impound his ship!" At the word ship, Cragus 12 threw off his arresters, and began firing.

* * * *

Cragus ran from the corralling area, pursued by a number of Centrans. Their shots were wild, but they were getting closer. From Cragus's right side, a speeder came up. It was crewed by the Black Star Givin and the Harsh.

"Get on board! We'll get you to your ship!" Cragus muttered a thanks.

"Captain Balan's compliments. We'll arrive a few moments before the Centrans at the landing field know what's going on, or discover which ship is your own."

* * * * *

Outbound from Renatasian III

Captain Balan appeared on the Claw's holoprojector. Cragus 12 was just finishing the projections to lightspeed; in good time too, as a pair of Centran pursuit craft were closing.

"Cragus 12. Officially, you're fired. Unofficially, that kark deserved it. He'll spend more than a few days in the bacta tank. The Black Stars will get some grief from the Centrans over you, but we'll feed them a story. Probably something about you being a loose cannon and about how you backstabbed us in the process. The Centrans have also put out a warrant and a bounty on you, but you know you'll always have friends with the Black Stars. Long story short, we can't pay what we owe you until the heat dies down. But I always honour my promises, and despite the Centran chiselling, the two bounties you and Lieutenant Lask brought in were our highest rewards. So your share of that will get back to you sooner or later.

"Here's some more bad news, Cragus 12. The Renatasians have also identified you and your ship. They want you, and they want you bad. Apparently you captured another of their high-ranking commanders the last time you were onplanet. They put out their own bounty on your; the word is Lord Looba is bankrolling this hit. Between the scraps the Centrans are offering, and the more substantial reward Lord Looba is backing the Renatasians on, you should stay away from this part of the Galaxy for a long, long time. But, until next time Cragus. Keep in good health."

The hologram flickered and went out as Cragus's pushed forward the bars of the lightspeed module. The stars flickered and became lines of light, then the light meshed into the blue chaos of hyperspace.


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