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Star Wars: Unity Forum Index
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  Topic: Moff's Not-So-Mildly-Offensive SW Film Commentaries
Sam Shepard

Replies: 5
Views: 12132

PostForum: The Cantina   Posted: Wed, February 19th 2014 10:18pm   Subject: Moff's Not-So-Mildly-Offensive SW Film Commentaries
And now we cap off the series, laddies and lasses, fillies and gentlecolts, invited transgendered species, and Wesley... wherever you are.

We're off to a good start. I put the DVD in and see ...
  Topic: Moff's Not-So-Mildly-Offensive SW Film Commentaries
Sam Shepard

Replies: 5
Views: 12132

PostForum: The Cantina   Posted: Wed, February 19th 2014 09:55pm   Subject: Moff's Not-So-Mildly-Offensive SW Film Commentaries
The Empire Strikes Back
EMPIRE REVIEW! I should warn those with weak hearts, Puritanical sensibilities, or just low tolerance for running gags about promiscuity and incest... jeez, this is getting aw ...
  Topic: Moff's Not-So-Mildly-Offensive SW Film Commentaries
Sam Shepard

Replies: 5
Views: 12132

PostForum: The Cantina   Posted: Wed, February 19th 2014 09:32pm   Subject: Moff's Not-So-Mildly-Offensive SW Film Commentaries
Star Wars
So... a New Hope. 1977. No money, nothing works. Except, well, this is the Special Edition. So, we get the kitsch and the horrible ideas of late 1990s George Lucas.

I'm going to put asid ...
  Topic: Moff's Not-So-Mildly-Offensive SW Film Commentaries
Sam Shepard

Replies: 5
Views: 12132

PostForum: The Cantina   Posted: Wed, February 19th 2014 08:33pm   Subject: Moff's Not-So-Mildly-Offensive SW Film Commentaries
As I mentioned before, I finished rereading Matt Stover's ROTS novelization a couple days ago. It actually made things make sense. So there will likely be comparisons and digressions.

Oooh, I ...
  Topic: Moff's Not-So-Mildly-Offensive SW Film Commentaries
Sam Shepard

Replies: 5
Views: 12132

PostForum: The Cantina   Posted: Wed, February 19th 2014 08:31pm   Subject: Moff's Not-So-Mildly-Offensive SW Film Commentaries
Rated PG for sustained sequences of sci-fi action/violence: A decapitation and two dismemberments. And a monster has its limbs hacked off and a bunch of bug people are sliced and diced like Anak ...
  Topic: Moff's Not-So-Mildly-Offensive SW Film Commentaries
Sam Shepard

Replies: 5
Views: 12132

PostForum: The Cantina   Posted: Wed, February 19th 2014 08:30pm   Subject: Moff's Not-So-Mildly-Offensive SW Film Commentaries
Well, in hopes of ginning up a little activity... I did these a while back on another site. I used to do running commentaries while watching TCW episodes; people seemed to like it.

Now, I will warn ...
  Topic: Happy New Year?
Sam Shepard

Replies: 4
Views: 11214

PostForum: The Cantina   Posted: Thu, January 09th 2014 11:24am   Subject: Happy New Year?
So... we're still gonna try to keep Unity going. But given the pace this has, well, I can see why that might not be enough for everyone. So... there's something in the works, one or two of you may alr ...
Sam Shepard

Replies: 46
Views: 64617

PostForum: The Cantina   Posted: Sun, April 07th 2013 08:51pm   Subject: DISNEY OWNS STAR WARS
So, LucasArts got chopped a few days ago...

  Topic: 2013 Second Quarter Plot
Sam Shepard

Replies: 33
Views: 120208

PostForum: Assessment Room   Posted: Sun, April 07th 2013 11:24am   Subject: 2013 Second Quarter Plot
Nothing at the moment. That's the problem. :p

...Also, I really must remember to start RPing with Han so I can move ahead with Sam.
  Topic: 2013 Second Quarter Plot
Sam Shepard

Replies: 33
Views: 120208

PostForum: Assessment Room   Posted: Sun, March 31st 2013 10:27pm   Subject: 2013 Second Quarter Plot
Sounds good. Which ones do you have in mind specifically?
  Topic: Application for Sam Shepard
Sam Shepard

Replies: 1
Views: 152949

PostForum: Applications   Posted: Wed, March 27th 2013 08:14pm   Subject: Application for Sam Shepard
Name: Samantha Shepard
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Species: Meatbag Human
Homeworld: SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE (born on an Alliance Dauntless class cruiser)
Desired Faction: New Republic Navy
Desired Occ ...
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