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Modified Class 720 Freighter Archangel
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Cerrinea Wyndaru

Joined: 04 Jun 2010
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 Post Posted: Sat, June 05th 2010 02:56am    Post subject: Modified Class 720 Freighter Archangel
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Class 720 Freighter Archangel

Manufacturer: Ghtroc Industries
Model: Class 720 freighter
Class: Light freighter

Shielding: 203 SBD
Hull rating: 95 RU

Speed: 87 MGLT
Maneuverability: 70 DPF

Armament: 5 Heavy Laser Cannons (3 Dorsal, 2 Ventral)

Length: 56 meters

Current Crew: Cerrinea Wyndaru (Pilot, Bounty Hunter, Mercenary, Smuggler)

Kael Meru (Co-Pilot, Starfighter Pilot, and Impromptu Medic)

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Cerrinea Wyndaru

Joined: 04 Jun 2010
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 Post Posted: Sat, June 05th 2010 03:26am    Post subject:
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Cerrinea was shook out of her sleep. It seemed like she had closed her eyes and all had gone black. Pain rushed back up her arm like a fiery lance. She dare not look at her right hand. She could afford to pass out again. The plan had been to eliminate whoever was trailing Nico but she had not expected to run into a Jedi Master. Much less the famed and also infamous Kyp Durron. Cerrinea sat up and looked around at her fellow bounty hunters. She was lucky to still be alive. Shock and adrenaline made her shake uncontrollably but she managed to rise to her feet and retreat to the rear exit.

Her world spun around on itself as she stumbled forward. She couldn't help but hit walls on the way out. Her vision began to cut away and fade into a black soup but her body wouldn't stop. The rear doors beckoned and seemed infinitely far away. Every step felt as though someone had strapped hundred pound weights to her ankles. With one final push Cerrinea barreled straight into and through the door with her shoulder. She fell hard onto the pavement right outside the door. Again she forced herself to get back up and did her best to avoid the crowd gathering outside from seeing her and what used to be her hand.

Cerrinea inched towards the west trying her best to reach the many alleyways that would eventually lead her to her ship. Cerrinea made it no more than a hundred meters from the Stock Exchange before explosions rocked the building to it's foundations. The whole building came crashing down in a plume of dust and debris. Cerrinea didn't look back as she continued on. Hopefully the building going down right behind her was more important to people than herself. She couldn't afford to be caught here. She had to get to her ship. She had to get off this planet.

Though she wasn't home free yet Cerrinea felt a surge of relief. Despite her relief she could feel her legs giving out underneath her. With a heavy thud her knees hit the ground and her body lurched forward. She managed to land on her missing hand and another muffled scream erupted from her mouth which had by now filled with blood. She spat it out only for it to hit the visor of her helmet. Her vision began to cloud and darken. Every nerve in her body was telling her she was going to die. Exhausted and knowing the end was coming Cerrinea laid on her back. Her eye lids felt like lead weights as she drifted off into darkness.
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Cerrinea Wyndaru

Joined: 04 Jun 2010
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 Post Posted: Sat, June 05th 2010 09:38am    Post subject:
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Light blazed into her right eye then her left. She tried to block it but found her arm wouldn't move. Her whole body was immobilized. Where was she? Was she dead? She tried to speak but was quickly stopped by a finger over her lips. "Save your energy. I'll have you fixed up in a jiffy." The voice was definitely male. Who was he and why was he helping her? Regardless she didn't protest. She didn't have the energy to. Again her world faded to black.
Cerrinea Wyndaru
Arkanian Offshoot/Human Hybrid
Bounty Hunter/Mercenary/Smuggler
Captain of the Class 720 Freighter Archangel
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Cerrinea Wyndaru

Joined: 04 Jun 2010
Posts: 12

 Post Posted: Sun, June 06th 2010 12:24pm    Post subject:
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Cerrinea awoke and tried to open her eyes. A bright light shone above her. She heard a the faint stir of someone in motion. She thought about springing off what she felt was a bed and strangling her captor but thought better of it for two reasons. She remembered back to the last time she had awoke and recognized that the voice she had heard held no ill will against her. The second was the loss of her right hand. It'd be extremely difficult to strangle someone with a nub.

As Cerrinea sat up she felt the rub of the sheet on her bare flesh. She looked around to see a younger man, probably in his twenties, sitting in the corner of her bedroom onboard the Archangel. "Morning," he said standing up to show his six foot tall frame. Cerrinea tried to speak but she noticed the drugs that were pumping into her arm via an IV caused cotton mouth. "Oh yeah some water would be nice. Of course," the man glided across the floor and retrieved a glass of water and a couple pills. "Here take these. Drink the whole glass."

For a moment Cerrinea debated the request. The man must have noticed her hesitation. "Or don't. I'll warn you now though, that pain reliever in the bag," he pointed at the IV, "is only going to make that cotton mouth worse." Cerrinea threw the pills into her mouth and gulped back the glass of water. It'd never tasted so good.

"Who the hell are you," she said still firmly grasping the blanket to her naked form. He was about to answer before she cut him off. "Better question. What are you doing in my freighter?"

The man wasn't fazed by her lack of thanks. "Well I'll answer both questions. My name is Kael Meru and I saved your life." Kael stood up and walked to the door and exited. He must of sensed her caution. Cerrinea draped over legs over the side of the bed and laid her feet on the cold floor. Before standing she pulled the metal contacts from her arms and chest and removed the IV from her arm. She almost put her right hand down to lift herself off the bed but realized that the bandaged nub wouldn't do the trick.

Her armor had been laid out next to her bed. Looking at it now she realized on badly she had been injured. She glanced over the armor, dried blood marked her boots and all the way down her right side. An anger she couldn't quite explained boiled up from inside as she kicked the helmet as hard as she could into the wall. With her head starting to feel lighter she knew it wasn't quite time to release her frustration.

With caution Cerrinea stood up from the bed and walked gingerly over to her closet. Inside there was a range of attires from the casual all the way to the luxurious. Her hunts had taken her to many places. A pretty dress was the last thing a target would expect a bounty hunter to wear. On the other side of the closet folded neatly in a pile were her work clothes. With a little trouble she eventually managed to get her hair up into a tail and donned a black bra and matching black tank top. Bending over she manged to get the khaki colored worked pants up and secured with a belt. Next to the door were her favorite pair of boots and snugly fitted to the inside of the right boot was a six inch blade. Once the boots were securely tied to her feet she slowly stepped out.

Next to the ladder up the cockpit stood the Kael character. With both arms crossed he sighed and shook his head. "You really shouldn't be up and moving so fast. Who knows how much blood you lost." Cerrinea could tell there was a question behind that statement.

She answered for him. "It's none of your business," she said with a certain measure of anger.

Obviously he couldn't take a hint as he began to speak. "Well since I found you in half dead in some armor, which mind you is heavy as hell, I take it you were in a fight. You also left a pretty good little blood trail away from the Stock Exchange. So I also take it you got your ass handed to you there," Kael raised his hand to his chin and scratched. "I wonder what you were doing in there. From what I saw on the holonet it was Vera Nico who blew that building up. Soooooo-"

The man, Kael was cut off as Cerrinea rushed forward, snagging the blade from her boot and holding it to the man's throat. Despite her injuries she was still fast enough to take him out. "I suggest you keep that information to yourself," she said as she moved the blade away from his throat.

"I was only kiddin'. If I wanted to turn you in, I woulda already done it." he said rubbing where he knife had been. "I'll be leaving then," he said as he moved to the exit ramp.

"Wait!" Cerrinea called out as the man's head popped back out. "Why did you help me?" she said, her guilt taking the better of her.

"Because I could. I have a conscious you know? I can't just let someone go and bleed out in the middle of an alleyway."

"Well thank you, Kael," she said mustering up long forgotten courtesies.

"You wouldn't happen to need one of hell of a pilot and medic on board this rather beautiful ship would you?" he said rubbing the cold metal surface of the ship.

"Why do you ask?" Cerrinea responded. He wanted something and what that may be was completely up in the air.

"Well let's just say certain military authorities aren't too happy with me. Since you're so thankful I thought I could run with you for a bit. It looks like you know how to stay under the radar. Other than of course getting your hand blown off," he said with a sheepish smile. Cerrinea wasn't sure if she should kill him now or later.

"On one condition," she said making sure she had his attention. "While on my ship you live, eat, shit, and breathe by my rules. Is that clear?"

"Crystal," Kael said as he came back up the gangway. "I gotta let you know, I already have a starfighter. We wouldn't be able to fit her into the cargo bay would we?" he asked but surely it was hypothetical.

"What'd you put in my ship?" she said her eyes wide with disbelief.

"A stolen Republic A-Wing," he said obviously not ashamed. "Bastard had it coming," he added.

She was definitely going to kill him now. "We need to get supplies. This," she rose her right arm showing the bandage, "just isn't going to do."
Cerrinea Wyndaru
Arkanian Offshoot/Human Hybrid
Bounty Hunter/Mercenary/Smuggler
Captain of the Class 720 Freighter Archangel
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Cerrinea Wyndaru

Joined: 04 Jun 2010
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 Post Posted: Wed, June 09th 2010 01:17pm    Post subject:
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Even at this late hour the Denon market bristled with activity. Cerrinea kept her right hand tucked close to her chest. Attached to it was a tank filled with bacta. Fortunately she kept medical supplies on board the Archangel. Without the bacta it'd take weeks for the stump to heal. Not as though it'd matter once they returned to the ship.

"Son a of-" Kael blurted out, clearly becoming frustrated with the lack of space.

"Hey kid, two of clock," she said referring to a medical surplus store. The two pushed to the side of the lane and stopped short of the front of the store. "Stay out here, keep an eye out." Cerrinea made a motion using her left index and middle finger.

"Sure you don't need a hand?" Kael said but instantly knew the mistake he had made.

Before Cerrinea had a chance to turn he was already 'zipping' his mouth shut. Inside the store a Devaronian male strode up to her, clearly eying her up. "Good evening, madame. How can I serve you?"

"You can get me these parts," she said pulling a list from her pocket.

The Devaronian unfolded the paper and eyed the list. "This isn't your average shopping list. What does a pretty thing like you need with all these parts?" The man extended his tongue and came within inches of Cerrinea's face. Lifting her left foot she brought the heel of her heavy boot crashing down onto the man's toes. A startled yelp escaped his mouth and she was surprised he hadn't bit his tongue clean off.

"Sorry about that," she said as innocently as possible. "How about that list?"

The shop keeper winced and felt his toes. "Sure, we got everything you're looking for. Follow me." With a limp the man led Cerrinea about the store to retrieve the parts. It'd take a while but she planned to build herself a new hand. She'd have a basic model but there was nothing basic about what she needed out of it. Besides the necessary servos and sensors to make the prosthetic hand, she'd need to create an electrostatic surface to which she could program the new hand to actually feel objects. Lastly she need the ability to control the unit when not attached to her wrist. The shop keeper retrieved the supplies and rung her up. He'd be feeling the stomp for a few days.

Back outside the shop, Kael still stood in the same spot as before. "I saw that," he said as the two began their trek back to the ship.

"Bastard had it coming," she said, partially mocking Kael.

* * *
30 Minutes Later...

With all the parts she needed safely on board Cerrinea lifted the Archangel out and into space. Luckily she'd been to enough Union planets in the pass to be able to understand their security protocols and programs. Once within range Cerrinea sent out a spike to began a simple hack on the planetary control systems. She gave herself a green light through the checkpoint and checked the logs for signs of her target. She knew full well Kyp would have to run through the checkpoint and give a destination. She scrolled down the list till she found an entry reading-

Jedi Master Kyp Durron, Republic RZ-1 A-Wing Interceptor Vigilance, passed inspections, en-route to Nar Shaddaa

And that's where she'd be going as well. What the Jedi Master was doing way out on Nar Shaddaa was beyond her. Regardless she'd see to it that it would be the last place he visited.

The Class 720 Freighter Archangel is now at Nar Shaddaa.
Cerrinea Wyndaru
Arkanian Offshoot/Human Hybrid
Bounty Hunter/Mercenary/Smuggler
Captain of the Class 720 Freighter Archangel
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Cerrinea Wyndaru

Joined: 04 Jun 2010
Posts: 12

 Post Posted: Mon, June 14th 2010 07:33pm    Post subject:
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Quick post, I hope it's alright to place a beacon on the Blight Leaper. If not Jess I'll gladly edit.

Cerrinea took a firm hold of the piston she had held not minutes earlier. As the lift rose into the guts of the ship she slumped heavily to the floor and breathed a sigh of relief. The Jedi Master had almost beat her again. Cerrinea, despite defeat, knew that she could no longer fight Kyp on his terms. She'd need to put the Jedi Master in a situation where he'd be caught off guard. But how did you catch someone who blew away a whole star system off guard? She'd think of a way.

Kael had stopped at the base of the ladder and looked over her. "Damn he did all that?" Cerrinea tossed him her helmet without a word. "Does he know he's beating up a woman?" She continued but she knew Kael had an innate ability to not shut up when needed. "At least this time he didn't blow your hand off," he called one last time before heading to his A-Wing. With any luck he'd be able to do his part of the plan.

Once up on the bridge Cerrinea stripped down to the thin body suit underneath all the armor and felt her chest and stomach. Even the slightest touch made her wince with pain. The Jedi Master was definitely taking a toll on her. Soon she hoped the tables would be turned.

* * *

Kael stepped into his A-Wing and fired up the systems as usual. Kyp Durron was definitely going to win eventually if Cerrinea didn't take him seriously. He didn't like the thought of being an accessory to murder but his current lodgings kept him well off the radar. He had agreed to do what Cerrinea said when she said. That didn't mean he wasn't going to annoy her every step of the way. He had to test her patience so that one day he may know the limit. There was so much he didn't know about her but he could tell that at one point or another she gone wayward. If she continued she'd never turn back. It worried Kael but hopefully he wouldn't be around to see it.

The lift lowered his A-Wing into the musty Nar Shaddaa air and with a pushed of the throttle he was off. He had been tasked by his captain to place tracking devices on both the Vigilance and the transport she was traveling aside. Kael pushed the Republic A-Wing to it's limit as he cruised closer and closer to their current holdings.

The Vigilance, from what little records he could dig up on the Archangel was only a mere hundred yards from the other ship. Kael landed in the middle of the two and went to work planting the devices. The Vigilance was more beautiful than he originally thought. She had been modified at one point or another. In the end Kael knew only one thing, that he would never want to go toe to toe with it. Kael laid down on his back and placed the tracking device inside the hold for the landing gears.

The transport was just as easy to place a device on. Kael slapped the device to the ship's ventral surface and returned to his A-Wing. With any luck they'd never find the two beacons. Kael lifted off and returned to the Archangel that was now in geosynchronous orbit over the smuggler's moon.

The Archangel is now en-route to Coruscant, following the Vigilance's and Blight Leaper's beacons

Tag: Cray
Cerrinea Wyndaru
Arkanian Offshoot/Human Hybrid
Bounty Hunter/Mercenary/Smuggler
Captain of the Class 720 Freighter Archangel
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Cerrinea Wyndaru

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 Post Posted: Thu, July 15th 2010 02:11am    Post subject:
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Cerrinea let her head hang back onto the pilot's chair headrest. She had spent the past days since her last encounter with Durron planning and resting. Despite her abilities, it had not been enough to defeat the Jedi Master. She couldn't play his game any longer. It'd only get her killed, eventually.

She had watched the Jedi Temple from afar with keen eyes. If it had not been for an earlier attack then she may have been able to formulate her own assault. A million thoughts rushed through her mind as she pieced together memories to create some kind of game plan.

The Blight Leaper had left the system a few days prior and most likely the Jedi Master with it. "Damnit," she spoke aloud, wishing she had done something while she had been able to track them. She hoped the cross their paths on Thyferra. Luckily, despite the damage done on Denon, she had been able to remember a few names in the conversation between Nico and the Blight Leaper's captain.

Seemed she far more "well off" than she showed. She hated Durron and his companions were no better off. Cerrinea rubbed her forehead and fell back to a daze as she reclined the chair back and rested her feet high on the control panel.
Cerrinea Wyndaru
Arkanian Offshoot/Human Hybrid
Bounty Hunter/Mercenary/Smuggler
Captain of the Class 720 Freighter Archangel
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Cerrinea Wyndaru

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 Post Posted: Mon, July 26th 2010 03:20pm    Post subject:
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Cerrinea Wyndaru
Arkanian Offshoot/Human Hybrid
Bounty Hunter/Mercenary/Smuggler
Captain of the Class 720 Freighter Archangel
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