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Orrion Carn

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 Post Posted: Mon, August 02nd 2010 12:47pm    Post subject:
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Twenty. Twenty-One. Twenty-Two. Twenty-Three... H6 laughed with joy, he was fulfilling his programming with ease as the pitiful guards that belonged to Dmtir fell to the ground by H6’s hand. He hadn’t been getting enough kills from the vantage point he had secured two days ago, but now that he was on the ground and fighting almost hand-to-hand, breaking the necks, arms and legs that belonged to Dmtir’s guards, he couldn’t help but feel happiness and pleasure as they fruitlessly tried to combat the Vratix army, Sara, and more importantly and the far more intimidating H6.

Guards fell as he paced towards them, fear and a blaster to the chest sealing their fates as H6 marched onwards, in front of the vratix to deal with the rest of the guards.
Blaster bolts came at him by the hundreds, forcing him to take cover to not make himself a liability as with the other times. He seemed to actually be learning from his mistakes and not going after enemies without tactics.

H6 turned the corner and exited the cover he was in, Sara and the other Vratix quickly joining in as H6 concentrated the guards fire on him, trying to deal with fear itself. H6’s laughter spurred the guards into a tremble, some dropping their weapons and running while others stood their ground with fear in their eyes. H6 approved.

But after the Vratix surrounded the guards and the battle froze, the guards dropped their weapons and surrendered against insurmountable odds.
Sara took the surrender and relayed the information to Master and the others, though there was only a pained reply from Tseneca, ”Good. We’ll see you at the Leaper.”
They followed her order and began to leave as the Vratix dealt with the guards fairly, no one else needed to die. Thirty-Eight kills. H6 imagined a firm smile across his face, how he wanted to express it.

But H6 began to wonder how long it would take the others to get back to the Leaper, Sara just informing H6 of Emmett’s demise.

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Tseneca Lowry-Fink

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 Post Posted: Mon, August 02nd 2010 01:15pm    Post subject:
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"We can't go back to the leaper." Lucas said after Tseneca put the comm down. "You have to stay at the estate and assert yourself as Zressa."

"Frak that." Tseneca had risen and was covering Emmett with a cloth found in the extraction room. Her hands were shaking uncontrollably, but she forced herself steady.

Sethe took both of her hands and pressed them. "Tseneca." he said carefully. "We have to stick to the plan. We've come this far and to leave now would make this a hostile ambush, not a reclaimation of the rightful heir. We'd be marked as killers."

"Dmtir's not dead." She said, her brain trying to make ends meet.

"He's as good as." Lucas said "Sara and H6 have taken the estate, its yours. M'glik has been informed and will be arriving as an Ashern beneficiary. You have all the help you need to step up."

Tseneca swallowed and tried not to look at the cooling form that settled at her feet. "Fine." she whispered and walked around Emmett, heading out the door. "While we're removing bodies, order the guards to take the these Vratix out." She looked back at them, even as she left the room. "we can return their bodies to their loved ones. We'll have a hero's funeral on these sith-forsaken grounds before the evenings out."

She left.
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Jonas Eisley

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 Post Posted: Mon, August 02nd 2010 02:01pm    Post subject:
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Jonas stared blankly at the covered body of Emmett Fink. Jonas had been emotional the night before, and in the nightmarish dungeon of bacta production, he was ready to lose it. Lucas dropped his head as Tseneca departed. Jonas stopped before the body of the ex-Imperial, his eyes dangling on the draped head. "May the Force be with you," Jonas instinctively looked to Lucas, "Right?"

The Kuati nodded, but their attention quickly shifted to those in pain around them. Jonas undid the straps or gadgets around their torsos. A member of the Ashren had arrived, and in their native clicks, explained the situation. The haunting reminder of Dmtir, a gross intake of air, but Jonas could tell he was never to rise again.

As the last of the Vratix were freed from their bonds, the darkness lifted, only slightly. Emmett's death had not been in vain, and processing centers like these all over the world would cease. Countless lives had been restored. Lucas stopped nearby, emotion dripping from his cheeks and onto the floor. "I've never felt so much pain." Jonas considered himself lucky not to have the Force, the magnitude of the joint suffering of Tseneca, the crew, and the Vratix... would be almost unbearable.

Jonas holstered his blaster, the guards understood that Tseneca Lowry would inherit jurisdiction and control. Together, the group made a long exit. Sethe and Badim carried Emmett, it was wrong to leave him in such a place. The light surrendered what the darkness hid, the wounds across his chest were filled with gore and blood. Jonas was glad to remove the large Telbun coat and draped it over the body. If Tseneca had been watching, she didn't need to see the full extent of the damage.

The Estate was calm, Alisson walked through the doors and greeted them. She took Lucas into her arms, and their embrace was long. While most of the crew moved on, Jonas listened as he sheltered himself into her body. Her arms wrapped around him tighter, as though pulling and holding him up and away from the tragedy they had shared. Jonas took a moment, collected himself, before he approached. Shifting Lucas, Jonas cradled the Jedi and together, they shared the burden of pain and loss.

Jonas had seen first hand what a mad man could do to innocent people. It wasn't pretty.
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Lucas Pallanén-Davad

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 Post Posted: Mon, August 02nd 2010 02:51pm    Post subject:
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Several hours had passed, and Thyferra's sun was beginning to set, though it meant more as a metaphor. It was time to give those lost in Harvesting Center and attack against the Estate a final rest, so they could rejoin and become one with the Force. The Ashren Resistance assembled, with the Blight Leaper crew standing together near the front. Large wooden beds had been put together, it was a hero's funeral, and they deserved every bit of it. Family members approached the remains of their lost loved ones, and whispered final goodbyes. Sethe had knelt in front of Emmett, his hair casting over his face as the man spoke to his friend for the last time. A chuckle was mixed with emotion, before Sethe rose, placing something on the bed.

Sethe retreated to their side, though his eyes never rose to face the body. Lucas tried to ignore the Force, and how vulnerable the lot gathered actually was. The crew waited for Tseneca to walk over, but her feet remained frozen to the ground. Lucas hesitated on nudging her, but knew this was something she needed to do.

In the moment of mourning and the onset of depression, the beautiful melody of an angel began. Firi's voice was soft, though it stirred all to the core. Strength was given to weakness, and clarity to chaos. Tseneca took a step forward, then another. It was slow in her approach, her hands extended to Emmett's body. The fingertips caressed his scruffy cheeks, her tears the last to fall against his body. Firi's song brought the Vratix into a beautiful sound of clicks, their bodies hummed and flashed vibrantly of many colors.

Durron led them into the fire aspect of the ancient tradition, handing torches to family members. Firi's voice was deeper now, the boldest of emotions now emerging from all about. As hands tossed the flame onto the bodies, the rights of passage were becoming complete. Lucas dipped a torch, letting the fire dance and ignite on the tip, before he walked towards Emmett's body. He met Tseneca, and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

And there she was, the Captain of the Blight Leaper, the woman he had met in the Oxanna Cantina, connected for the first time with raw emotion. With Firi in the background, and the sound of crackling fire, the pair knew what needed to be done. Lucas took the last look of Emmett, bowing, and giving him the highest of honors to heart and spirit. Tseneca retrieved the torch from his hand, as Lucas retreated back to Jonas and Alisson.

It was heart breaking to watch, but a feeling of release as the fire met the wooden bed. The flames were small, before hitting a full bloom of an inferno. Out of the abyss of the night, Thyferran fireflies danced in the air. Attracted by the fire, they lingered in the camp, dancing between the fires and the guest. They were different than the ones on Kuat, they shared the Vratix ability to changed color. The fireflies beat with the melody Firi provided, and as the last of fires extinguished, leaving the ashes, one of the largest broke away from the collective hub of insects. It danced in the air, Firi's melody dwindled towards the end, and the flock turned their wings and headed south.

The lone firefly danced in front of Tseneca, before landing on the exposed dog tags. It fluttered its wings, changing several tones of colors, before finally, it launched itself back into the air. Firi's song drifted as the fireflies slowly vanished. The ceremony now complete, as the night's wind cast the remaining ashes across the Thyferran grass.
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Kyp Durron

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 Post Posted: Mon, August 02nd 2010 03:00pm    Post subject:
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This is earlier in the day than Lucas' post. Good stuff guys.

Kyp slid out into the light of the day with his head hung low and soul heavy. What he had witnessed drew the very warmth from his veins. The overbearing sun helped to warm his arms and legs, inside of his robes. He tried to lift his own soul from a pit but couldn't find the will quite yet. His own anguish was not for the loss of Emmett.

As a pilot and Jedi he had distanced himself long ago from those around. A a young Jedi he blow a complete star system away because of his hatred and lust for power. Because he cared for people. In his time as pilot he had met amazing men and women only to hear their screams choked away by the lifelessness of space. The pain of loss was not a new experience for Kyp and his distance from the crew, especially Emmett made it easier to handle. However despite his obvious dislike for the Imperial, he would not spit upon his image. Kyp had to respect the sacrifice given, regardless of alliance.

The overall problem that he felt weighed heavy in his heart was that he was losing Tseneca to an oily abyss that he was all so familiar with. He saw the beginnings of the hate and despair. Kyp tried to be optimistic but he could not find a shred of humor or light in the void. The road would only grow worse and he loathed the thought of losing her.

Kyp trotted out and away from the buildings of the center. He walked casually to the guard's outpost, where he knew he could find some food. He cut down the door with his lightsaber and walked absent minded to the small break room. Inside were machines with hundreds of different foods, all packaged with air tight seals. He slammed the bottom of his hilt into the glass and retrieved two hand fulls of a sugary chocolate bar. He needed the sugar to get through what was left of the day.

With a heavy sigh he plopped down into a plastic chair and began to ingest the bars one by one. He placed his hand just under his hair line and silently prayed for Tseneca. "Frak," he spat out before filling his mouth with the sugary energy again.

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Jedi Master Kyp Durron
Jedi High Council Member
Wields an Azure Lightsaber
Pilot of the Modified RZ-1 A-Wing Interceptor Vigilance

"No change comes without conflict. Perhaps my destiny is to be the irritant that forces the discussion, the blister that lets you know your boots don't fit."
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Badim Soilding
Orrion Carn

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 Post Posted: Mon, August 02nd 2010 03:20pm    Post subject:
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Badim watched what took place. The emotion that was around every living being as the fires lit. He saw himself in Tseneca, the pain and the remorse stinging her inside, the same feelings he held for Clare. Except Tseneca had already enacted revenge, a feeling Badim was about to unleash on Jelahan. He didn’t blame her for breaking the pact they had made, he was already fruitlessly failing it. But he questioned himself, wondering what he would be after he was done with Jelahan, where he’d go, what he would look like to the others. A monster? A killer? A murderer? A troubled friend?

He shook his head, these weren’t thoughts he should be thinking about. It was Tseneca he should be thinking about, standing in front of the dying flames of Emmett’s wooden bed, the ceremony completing. Badim was wearing his cloak and hid himself under his hood, the emotions of the combined loss stinging him as well. Firi’s words stung and touched everyone’s souls, bodies and hearts, making the emotions continue to swell as Sara began to silently tear. Feeling the revived pain of the loss of her own family and loved ones.

This crew was pecked with loss in one form or another, pain in one form or another.

The fires began to fade, the lights dimming as everyone was engulfed in sleeping darkness, the cool night covering them all as the clicking of the vratix and Firi’s songs ended. No one moved for a long time. Standing in the darkness for remembrance of the heroes of the battle to reclaim the vratix’s freedom. Tseneca was the first the step away, coming to partial understandings. She still looked pained, the love she had been searching fifteen years for having died hours ago. The rest solemnly following except for Badim and Sara, they lingered as they thought of Ord Mantell and the coming fight against Jelahan.

He couldn’t abandon it, he needed to face Jelahan and put Clare to rest.

Badim wrapped his arm around Sara, still tearing for all the loss amongst herself and the crew. He led her back with the others to the Leaper, where after Tseneca would reassert herself as heir to Thyferra, they would wonder where they would go, where they would separate.

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"No One Deserves To Die, Except For Those Who Do."
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Tseneca Lowry-Fink

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 Post Posted: Mon, August 02nd 2010 04:02pm    Post subject:
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Tseneca turned and left. Lucas pulled her arm a bit, but she looked at him pointedly.

The estate was silent, as the household had gathered to watch the smoke from the fires. A few human servants looked at her, and she dismissed them, treading through the hallway as if it was her own house. It was her own house. or once was, depending on how you were to look at it.

She went into her father's study sat and opened a channel. Dealings on Thyferra were self contained. So long as the Bacta flowed, the dealings of house Lowry would continue to be her concern, and her's alone.

Sethe had taken footage of the harvesting center, and sent it to her via communique. She would broadcast it, ousting Dmtir as a Tyrant. She would reform the laws put into motion by him, against the Vratix. She would release the heavy taxation laws, the rationing, the wiretapping and whatever insane totalitarian fixes the man had put upon her world. It would return the way it should have been, the way it was under her father.

Only she herself would not stay. Putting things to rights was only half the battle. If she was correct, her fathers chief of staff, Minerva Lorn, had been serving as Dmtir's major domo for the past twenty years. Speaking of which.

"Miss?" Minerva knocked and entered. She was older, worn. Her blonde hair white with age, or maybe nerves.

"Good. I thought they may have taken you down as well."

"No, Miss Lowry--"

"Lowry-Fink." Tseneca growled the additive. Minerva flinched. She was not the same strong woman Tseneca had known her to be under Ren. More the better then, because a broken woman would not betray her.

Tseneca continued. "Do you know why I've called you?" Minerva shook her head. "I remember your actions under my father twenty years ago. Your Loyalty to this house and the Cartel is acknowledged and understood. With Dmtir indesposed, I find myself in need of a regent. a human regent."

Minerva cocked her head. ""

Tseneca nodded. "you're the only one I know who can pick up the pieces of this place and set it to rights. We're starting over, and to ensure the running, i'm appointing two Vratix as well, the leader of the Ashern and his mate, whom you would remember as mine and my brothers nurse many years ago. Can I trust you with this appointment, Minerva? have you fatally changes since i knew you last?"

Minerva stood straighter, her voice stronger. "If it is my duty to perform, I would guarantee proper performance under a true Lowry."

Tseneca reached out. The woman was scincere. "Excellent. This is your list of actions. take them furtively." Tseneca handed her the data pad. "M'glik and K'nika as well as a number of the Ashern will be taking residence shortly. I can handle my portion of affairs from where i'm going, the ships comm is in the information."

She swept passed the woman and left the office. It was no surprise that minerva was eager, she knew her father had picked his staff based on loyalty, and there was no doubt in her mind that Minerva would be the perfect regent for the house. undoubtedly.

Tseneca stole down the halls, dark though they were in the dimming light of dusk. She kept her hand on the wall, treading lightly over the marble and finely cut tile.

She felt empty within and without. There, there it was. She knelt and dug her fingers into on of the creases in the tile, behind one of the larger tapestries. It gave easily, puckered with weathering and wear.

She crawled into the space and pulled the panel in after her.

The same tunnel that had taken her out of the place twenty years before, would take her out again, only this time without the man she loved.

This is the End of the Acrid Bacta and Bloodlines Plot. Tseneca is going back to the Blight Leaper, and her next post will be there. Thanks all!
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Sethe Bhren

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 Post Posted: Tue, August 03rd 2010 10:16am    Post subject:
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Sethe waited until the fire had nearly died down before approaching it once more. Emmetts ashes lay dormant, as his body had incinerated so completely. He had retrieved a box from the estate, and now filled it, letting his own bare hands sift his friends remains. It seemed better that way, without the use of gloves or a duster.

the box filled, he began the journey back to the Vratix commune.

The blight leaper was quiet in the underbrush, but he knew she was there.
Yes, inside, even as he boarded the gangplank. She was stationed at the console, slouched and staring out of the port. The dogtags, hers and Emmett's dangled against the dash.

"Mesh'la?" He whispered.

She stared still, unmoving.

"Tseneca?" He cleared his throat. "Just one more thing, alright?"

She turned slowly and looked at him. Her eyes were dark and wide with strain. He held out his hand and she, seeing the box, obliged, rising from her captains chair with some great effort.

In silence the two, hands still clasped, walked to the top of the plains, the hill which each of them had rested upon once during this ordeal. To Sethe, it seemed he was pulling forward the husk of a person, as Tseneca moved lightly, almost empty of herself.

The reached the top of the hill. The sun had just set and the light glow of its aftermath shone over the water and the plains themselves. There were already some stars. Sethe opened the box, and took the first handfull, releasing it into the wind.

Tseneca stole herself, hiding her face behind her hair. "I should say something provocative." She whispered. "I should say something loving and heartfelt... but it just can't."

He handed her the box. "just... do what you need to do."

She took the box, paused and then flung handfulls of ash violently into the air, as if hurling wads of dirt. It was like watching a child have a tantrum, she whirled like a dirvish, heaving them and throwing them outward toward the sea, across the flats of Thyferra.

Then, mechanically, she realeased the last of them and tossed the box aside as if weary of it and collapsed to her knees onto the ground, sobbing, unrestrained for the first time that day.

Sethe knelt and, impulsively, collected her. Sitting, he pulled her to him and wrapped himself around her. He stroked her hair and let her tears soak the sleeve of his jacket. He cradled her there long after the torrent had subsided and the final glow of twilight had disappeared, stars vast above their heads.

He should have said something provocative... something loving and heartfelt. But then again, maybe it was just enough to be there.
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 Post Posted: Tue, August 03rd 2010 10:23am    Post subject:
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The night ended, and the speeder took them back to the commune long after the flames on the pyres had been extinguished.

Firi felt heart-heavy and leaned her head against Dex, who held her close.

Badim sat beside them, looking out over the plains as they rushed across them.

"Badim?" she whispered. "what are you thinking about?"

Badim looked at her, the darkness of the night shrouding his face. "nothing really. Circumstances."

She knew he was thinking about Clare.

"You'll go find Jelahan now." she said. it was less of a question.

He nodded. "I've put it off long enough."

Firi didn't know much about revenge, and she knew very little about the politics of such things, but what she did know about was love. and that was unmistakable.

"I'll go with you." She said.

Badim looked at her again. "No, I couldn't ask that of you. Not this time."

She sat up, and Dex shifted too, looking at her. "Firi, its not our fight."

"But we all promised, somehow, that we'd work together. You need us more than Tseneca does right now. Maybe we can help."
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Badim Soilding
Orrion Carn

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 Post Posted: Tue, August 03rd 2010 12:45pm    Post subject:
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Badim sighed heavily. Dex put it right on the credcard, it wasn’t their fight, but Firi wouldn’t let it go. He saw determination in her eyes, he knew she wasn’t going to be shaken from her goal to accompany Badim on his own goals to deal with Jelahan.
“I just can’t, Firi,” he finally said, to the relief of Dex, "Jelahan's insane and will do whatever it takes to stop me, there's going to be waves of his men and--"

“I can handle it with Dex.” Firi replied, pulling Dex up from his seat to volunteer him as well.
“Suggestion: Master, with you, I, Firi and Dex, our chances of success against the insane one increase by a substantial percentage,” Badim knew H6 was also boasting about himself and his droid capabilities, “Calculation: By over 53.132 Percent, as opposed to the previous 24.763 Percent with it being just you and I, Master.”

“You’re not leaving me out of it either, Badim,” Sara said, nudging Badim’s shoulder, “Clare was my friend too, that bastard is going to pay.”

Badim searched their faces, determination was in all of their eyes. He turned to Kyp, who just simply nodded to him. He didn’t know if he wanted to journey with Badim and H6 as well, or just urging him to take the others with him.
Jaira nodded as well from within her armor, still inside it from their battle save for her helmet.
“Clare was a friend to all of us,” Firi said, gazing at Dex for confirmation on her claim, he finally acknowledge and nodded as well, “This is our fight. For you, Badim, it’s to avenge the one you loved. For us, it’s for a lost friend.”

Badim saw them all nod at Firi’s statement, but he still wasn’t sure about involving them. They were his friends, but this was his fight against Jelahan, a fight he started five years ago, a fight Jelahan had been silently planning for five years.
“Calculation: Master, our chances of success with our current numbers have yet again increased: From 53.132 Percent to 87.893 Percent, with little chance of injury or death.”

“Badim,” Sara said, “Don’t fight it. We’re coming. Jelahan‘s got body guards, you‘ve got friends and a maniacal protocol droid, he doesn‘t stand a chance.”

“Query: Maniacal, Sara?”

Everyone chuckled, including Badim, before he finally admitted to their requests, “Just don’t do anything risky. There’s been enough pain here on the crew.”

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Kyp Durron

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 Post Posted: Tue, August 03rd 2010 03:20pm    Post subject:
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Short but sweet.

Kyp nodded and acknowledged the others in the group. They had started out with Badim, Tseneca, and himself. They suddenly accumulated the majority of the crew. The laughter subsided and Kyp took his turn to remind them of their situation. "You wish for vengeance?" He looked to Sara who had mentioned it first. "Will you fight with vengeance in your heart?" Kyp looked to them all in a very serious and stern face. "Do not fight with anger and blood lust. For they will only lead you astray. Fight with love," Kyp paused and placed his hand on Badim's shoulder. "and she'll carry you through."

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Jedi Master Kyp Durron
Jedi High Council Member
Wields an Azure Lightsaber
Pilot of the Modified RZ-1 A-Wing Interceptor Vigilance

"No change comes without conflict. Perhaps my destiny is to be the irritant that forces the discussion, the blister that lets you know your boots don't fit."
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Coral Callatros

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 Post Posted: Mon, September 03rd 2012 12:20am    Post subject:
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The transport slowed from hyperspace, the Thyferran system coming into view as sublight engines kicked in. It would be a few hours before they were on top of Tseneca Lowry-Fink's homeworld, but for now, Coral poured over the intelligence coming in on the "returned Empire". She deleted what she thought wasn't important, while handing the rest to Alisson. They weren't meant to be shared, but if they were going to pull off this mission, it would be handy to have the droid up to date. Their Bothan Spynet company was friendly, but his tone seemed to change as they entered the new system.

"Quite the system, yes?" The usual deep tone of a Bothan was absent, instead, replaced by a squeaky almost mouse-like pitch. "They are one of the biggest exporting planets in the galaxy."

Alisson, not one for small talk, responded with, "Your facts are useless. If you are going to give another, let it assist the task at hand."

The Bothan squeaked one last time, but didn't make another noise. Coral didn't mind, the silence was comforting and allowed her to read some of the personality reports recently filed by those who accepted Han Solo from Morgan. Morgan was analyzed and cataloged, but nothing new really jumped at her. She set it down, resting her eyes against the soft hue of the space until Thyferran Security contacted them.

Coral transmitted a combination of codes, including the ones acquired by Tseneca and then the ones Arlyn had given them. The response was immediate and the appropriate hangar was given to them. The descent into the planetary body was smooth and the landing completed by an auto-pilot. They were guided by a couple of the planet's natives, their conversation perky and upbeat as they led them through the many hallways until reaching the final destination.

In a deep underground catacomb, a single shuttle remained. It looked older than the current KDY issue, but then again, that made sense. Coral touched the hull of Emmett Fink's ship, running her hands from the bow to the stern, until the tech-heads unlocked it for them. The ramp descended slowly and for a while, Coral did not enter. She waited until Alisson cleared the inside of any kind of booby traps, before joining her.

Slicing was her speciality, but the codes were meant to never be broken. She did what she could, but it was ultimately the combined efforts of everything she knew, a contraption the Bothan had on him, and Alisson's super brain that broke the nav-computer. Pulling through some of the last jumps, Coral was surprised at several of them. "Nico." She said out loud.

"Nico?" Alisson inquired, setting a few of the back up memory drives of the nav-computer onto the computer screen while she said it.

"Was Fink linked to her?"

"Yes. I believe Nico mentioned that to Tseneca on several occasions. In fact, I had believed it was the sole reason the two disliked each other so much." Alisson answered, "Why?"

"His nav-computer matches several of Nico's more... reclusive positions. And judging by the chrono-index, he spent more than the typical amount of time it took to exchange information." Coral thought about this curiously. She typed her thoughts and the facts into a data padd and handed it off to one of the Thyferrans. "Please see that is transmitted to Tseneca on Dac immediately. I do not know what good it will do, but she should know."

The Thyferran bowed its insecthead before departing quickly. Coral looked at Alisson, then to the Bothan. "I think we recovered what we needed. There are hundreds of hyperspace jumps, but we might be able to find what we are looking for."

The Bothan downloaded the entire ship's computer onto a small drive that fit onto his hand with room to spare and walked down and out of the ship. Alisson scanned the room with a holo-imager and copied some of the transponder codes so they could mimic the shuttle, if need be. Coral, knowing the other two had done most of the work, sat in the pilot's chair for a moment. While she had arrived a bit later on the Blight Leaper, she would've liked to get to know the man that had such a profound effect on Tseneca's life. It was a shame he died just days after being reunited with the woman that he loved. She also felt concerned with the information she had found inside his computers, but didn't think about it again.

They were heading into the Unknown Regions and that required all of her attention...
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