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Drekka the Hutt Jess

Joined: 30 Mar 2010 Posts: 16
Posted: Fri, October 07th 2011 05:39pm Post subject: Jaakara Executive Compound (Mos Eisley) |
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Jaakara Executive Compound
Kadiiir Facility, Intergalactic Branch
Jakaara executive compound is the Kadiiir clan's facility on Tatooine, located in Mos Eisley. Drekka the Hutt runs operations out of Jaakara in order to better facilitate his intergalactic clients. This is one of many such faclilities
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Drekka the Hutt Jess

Joined: 30 Mar 2010 Posts: 16
Posted: Fri, October 07th 2011 05:39pm Post subject: |
Drekka leaned back on his chaise, infinitely bored. Opi, always attentive, moisturized him with some water from a spray. He yawned loudly and the human who was standing before him, speaking feverishly about whatever it was he was proposing to sell fixed him with a gaze he apparently thought was whithering. He thought wrong.
"My lord, if I am boring you perhaps we should recess for the time being?" The human said bitterly.
Drekka dismissed him with his hand. "Kee baatu baatu." he grunted. "If you are boring me now, you will be boring me later, mark my words."
"In that case, my lord, I should take my business elsewhere. The Darshau perhaps would be far more--"
"Don't take my congeniality for lack of character, Human. Know who you are speaking to." Drekka boomed, angered that the human would mention M'ssik and his corporation. "Your proposal is limited at best. I would in fact reccomend you to visit my petulant cousin, if only because he will not treat you so patiently. Now get out of my sight."
The human, taken aback by Drekka's sudden anger, fled from the room, portfolio and holo board in tow.
So many times did his would be clients see his complacency as a removal of his instincts as a hutt. Because he allowed them the decency his brethren would not, because he refused to rule by the antiquated notions of intimidation most crime lords like himself swore by, all thought they could take advantage of it. His good nature was wearing thin. Especially since it had been weeks since Dex had spoken to him. Having the boy gone upset Drekka, more that he thought it would.
Opi handed him a data pad and pointed to the transmission. Drekka took it, looking at the incoming. He handed it back to Opi. "Grancha. Fine, have him meet with me in an hour, I'll make the time for him, just remind him not to waste it. These humans are going to bleed me dry. Koochoo Kung. I'm going to go soak."
With that he floated out of the room. If Lucas Pallanen-Davad wanted to speak to him, it had better be good. The next human that tried his patience would certainly get more than he bargained for. |
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Lucas Pallanén-Davad Alex

Joined: 01 Aug 2009 Posts: 1153 Location: Aboard the Blight Leaper
Posted: Sat, October 08th 2011 02:23am Post subject: |
The Executive Compound was filled to the brim with loaded-up scum, their bodies swaying to the beat of the music played to the Hutt in waiting. Lucas walked carefully, recalling all the lessons he had learned from the academy about the dangers of this species and their various crime networks. As a Jedi, he was walking a very thin line. Not only that, but judging by the data padd forced upon him by Lumiya, he was here to collect a large sum and an artifact. Two of which would be difficult, considering the greedy nature of Hutts.
Lucas finished the path, the Hutt resting on his long hover bed, with many servants attending to his many needs. Lucas opened his mouth, "Oh mighty Drekka the Hutt, I remain humble in your presence."
"Dak pow wodda." Speak quickly.
"I seek a private audience, as I wish not to expend the time and patience of your court." His assistant shook his head, it wasn't going to happen. Very well. "I come on behalf of the Koda Space Station, it seems there is an unattended bill that requires immediate settlement."
The Hutt laughed, his deep barrel-tone echoing throughout the chamber. "Trix? Old Trix still at her games?" The room laughed with him. "40%" He was trying to haggle.
"Ah, Master Drekka, I have spoken highly of your position within the Kadiiir clan, surely one does not wish to send a message of poverty, should you not be able to foot the bill owed."
The Hutt laughed, "Slum ba da hooda."
"Then there is the artifact of Wayland, which is of great importance to a Lady L, if you catch my drift."
The hutt's large eyes stopped blinking, his five hundred year old body shuddered and he flipped away the toad one of his servants had been trying to plop into his mouth. "Lady L sends a Jedi to collect?" Drekka laughed, "Who does she believe is more naive. The Jedi or the Hutt she attempts to steal from under?"
Lucas could sense the immediate tension of the room, hunters touched their weapons. This might not end well. "I would like to stay for the evening, Drekka, and be given a chance to persuade you to join my cause, but I require a private we might be able to work out a deal." |
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Drekka the Hutt Jess

Joined: 30 Mar 2010 Posts: 16
Posted: Sun, October 09th 2011 01:23pm Post subject: |
Drekka snapped his fingers and immediately his retinue dispersed from the room. It was a ridiculous facade anyway.
Once the room was empty of all but Opi and the Pallanen-Davad, Drekka sat back and relaxed. He chuckled deeply.
"Waki mallya kuna chu chu You may drop the act my boy, we are alone."
Lucas smiled, his expression tense. Drekka knew that he'd put a good show up for propriety, but all the same, it was a hard transition to make. "Its been a while Drekka. You are well?"
Drekka nodded, feeling the weight of his skin bounce, and gestured to a seat at his side. Lucas took it, leaning his weight on his knees. "As well as could be expected. This planet is far to warm for my taste. But, a business first, than jovialities, How did you fall into company with the likes of Trix Lcarr in the first place? I would have put that beyond you."
"Circumstances." Lucas replied. "At any rate, this visit is less about Trix and more about the artifact I mentioned."
Drekka shivered again. The old witch would never give up, certainly. But he'd expected she would at least give him the time.....
No, he couldn't place the blame on anyone but himself. The time for stalling had come to a close.
He fixed Lucas with an unblinking stare. "You know, boy. The first time you and your friends came to my Bunko, I knew you were determined and would stop at nothing to get what you needed. Now, though, I wonder if that steadfastness isn't more of a character flaw than being winsome. You're treading on ground that could prove to be a detriment."
The human jedi nodded. "Believe me when I say, your excellency, that I am more than willing to take the risk."
Drekka sighed, and nodded to Opi, who exited the room. "Very well. You have been warned."
alex, I don't actually know what the artifact is, so I set up a spooky beginning to Drekka filling Lucas in on the details. You go ahead and fill in the specifics, and I'll follow your lead.
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Lucas Pallanén-Davad Alex

Joined: 01 Aug 2009 Posts: 1153 Location: Aboard the Blight Leaper
Posted: Mon, October 10th 2011 05:05pm Post subject: |
Drekka slithered his way through the halls, his Hutt body moving at a speed that would be considered unnatural for his girth. Lucas walked cautiously behind the man while staying attuned to the Force. The Hutt wasn't exactly one for small talk, he had muttered it was a favored human trait his species lacked. And it was true, most of the Hutts Lucas had ever come into contact with, preferred to remain silent, observing and watching, versus interacting and engaging. They intervened when necessary, but other than that, they were dormant creatures, preferring to be fed than to hunt. Lucas could not imagine what their ancient ancestors looked like, how robust they could've been.
A large vault-like chamber waited for them in a secret room concealed by several off-the-map passageways. Drekka finally broke the silence between them. "Human, you have chosen an artifact I collected nearly 300 years ago, so you can see my attachment. Not many items from my youth, as you may call it, are ever given away. Lady Lumiya has placed quite a deal of pressure on me and it is without a lightheart that I extend this to her as a token of faith." Lucas nodded, quite unsure of what he was saying. But he continued, and things made a little more sense. "You have not seen the consequences of refusing a Sith."
"A Sith?" Lucas asked, curious as to how the Hutt came to know this word.
"We are an old race, Human, we know of the dangers of Force-users. I have seen the creator of the Galactic Empire, I was present that day in the Senate when he formally dissolved the Republic and turned the government that stood for thousands of years into his own Imperial state. Hutts have preferred not to meddle in Human affairs, but we do acknowledge their power and the never-ending desire for total domination."
"I can see your reluctance and if it wasn't without great motivation, would I be asking for this."
"Indeed." The Hutt said slowly, his body moved into the treasure trove. Hundreds of priceless heirlooms rested in this room, with gems and oddities collected over what appeared like hundreds of years. In the corner of the room, an older droid rested, its green metallic structure barely visible under the blanket of dust. Lucas recognized that droid as a predecessor to the modern protocol droids. They had a funny way of speaking. "Nice droid."
Drekka laughed, "Junk."
Lucas raised an eyebrow, "I'd take it off your hands."
Drekka stopped, his body turning slightly. "If it interests the son of Davad, once CEO of Cybot Galactica, then perhaps it is worth something."
Lucas shrugged, "Not much. A gift for my father, his birthday is coming up."
Drekka laughed, the deep tone of his joy was infectious, and Lucas laughed with him. "2,000 credits."
"500 credits."
"Deal." The Hutt laughed, but it disappeared as he came to a small box. "I do not open this case and I suggest you do not. What the Lady wants is in here, I can promise you that." He was telling the truth, and Lucas nodded. He picked up the case by the handle, it was much lighter than he had expected. "I must ask for a price, my dear Human, even if I have agreed to give this to her." Lucas looked at him, this is why he hated the Hutts so much. Everything had a price. "500,000 credits. No less."
Lucas knew this was steep, but he had no choice. "Done." |
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Drekka the Hutt Jess

Joined: 30 Mar 2010 Posts: 16
Posted: Mon, October 10th 2011 08:21pm Post subject: |
Drekka gave him the artifact. It was not nearly as hard to do as he'd made it out to be, but what kind of Hutt would he be if he didn't... stretch things a little.
Frankly, as he watched Lucas board his ship with the artifact and droid in tow, he was happy to be rid of both of them. The Droid and that... thing... had caused him far more trouble than was worth the risk. It was a relief to dismiss it, even to the naive.
He grunted. He had business to finish.
shortest post ever. On you go, alex. |
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Lucas Pallanén-Davad Alex

Joined: 01 Aug 2009 Posts: 1153 Location: Aboard the Blight Leaper
Posted: Mon, March 04th 2013 02:58pm Post subject: |
Music echoed across the compound, mixed with devious laughter and seedy business deals. In a dark cloak, Lucas Pallanén-Davad sat at the bar, his face hidden from the company of Drekka's court. He had been here before just a short while ago, and while Drekka smoked a rare spice, his deep bellow sent a relieved chill across the crowd. Lucas had returned, but not for Drekka. His master had required a second task, one that could only be completed by an asset of the Hutt.
Over the last two months, Lucas had spent his time carefully selecting and eliminating those who had failed to live up to expectations. Four survived to make his company. This particular criminal was an expert slicer, faster than most droids thanks to her cybernetic implants. It was a dangerous game, though, for she gambled her life every time. In this part of the galaxy she is known simply as Slice. Her skills would prove invaluable at the task at hand, but it was unfortunate, Drekka paid her handsomely, mainly to keep her on hand in case authorities of various governments tried to infiltrate his blackmarket empire.
Luring her away from Drekka would be expensive, but Lucas had something credits could never buy.
A Twi'lek was dancing, her body moving to the beat of the music, and with skill she snapped the chains as she moved across the room. It was beautiful, entrancing even. Lucas broke away from the show, realizing this was his moment.
Slice was sitting at a table alone, various data pads sprawled over the table as Lucas approached. She glanced up once, and then a second time once he was closer. "Strange place to hide your face. I'm surprised the Gamorreans haven't forced you to reveal yourself."
"I prefer to remain anonymous, but I'm a friend of the court, much as yourself." Lucas said softly, "May I have a seat?"
"Please, as the curiosity of your identity is killing me." As Lucas took a seat, Slice pushed over a couple of datapads, all with his cloaked image frozen on them. "I've been watching you since you entered, and so have they." Lucas looked over and there were several bounty hunters curiously looking back at him. "Name's Slice. How can I be of service?"
Lucas removed a datapad from his pocket, only this had a different image on it. "I've located the droid RX-8." Slice snatched the datapad, scanning it carefully, but it was impossible to tell of its authenticity. So Lucas continued, "The memory files are perfectly intact. It seems the ship went down over a moon in the Ortega System. The droid survived the crash. It is curious, though, that there were no survivors found... not even their bodies."
Slice looked up. "Is this a joke?"
Lucas shook his head. "After an extremely careful data examination, this moment was retrieved from RX-8's memory banks." He typed in a passcode and a holo began to play. It was an intimate moment between Slice and her lover. After a few seconds, the image disappeared.
"You could have corrupted the entire-"
"No, I have the best resources in the galaxy. The droid was not damaged in any form." Lucas reassured her.
"What do you want?" She asked, "I have credits. Lots of them."
"So do I," Lucas chuckled, "No I need something better than that." He looked up at Drekka, "Tell the Hutt you are leaving for a month. My ship is the seventh docking bay. You have until this evening, or the droid's memory is wiped, and then scraped for parts." Lucas got up from the table and as he passed the bounty hunters who had been watching, he dropped a credit stick on the bar.
"The next round is on me, boys."
* * *
Lucas sat quietly in his room. The loudness of the space dock was completely dampened, and only the minor annoyances of ship sounds could be heard. The air was sweetly re-freshened by state of the art air conditioners from Kuati engineers, a feeling he much preferred than the stale, sandy air of Tatooine. His mind was beginning to quiet and outward he projected himself.
His meditation consisted of leaving his body, embracing what the Force would reveal to him. Often times it was small, clues and hunches, but this time it was something different. He was transported back to the past, aboard the Blight Leaper, in the company with his friends and shipmates. Laughter was abundant, the ship full of bodies and droids all enjoying themselves. Lucas was sitting with Jonas in his lap, Tseneca with Sethe, Firi with Dex, Badim with Clare... it was a rare glimpse into happiness.
Lucas thought about recoiling from this memory, bringing himself out of this meditation, but instead he let it continue. Suddenly, he was transported to a place that was cold, metallic and bred darkness. It was out of this galaxy, far into the Unknown Regions. In a cell barred with energy and metal, sat Jonas Eisley.
Lucas snapped back to Spirit of the Maw.
"He's alive." |
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