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The Outer Rim Report, from the HoloNetNews Service
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Corask Slen'da

Joined: 30 May 2010
Posts: 86

 Post Posted: Mon, November 08th 2010 05:19pm    Post subject: The Outer Rim Report, from the HoloNetNews Service
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"..and now the latest from The Centrality."

Reports are still being transmitted, but over four hundred sentients are dead or missing on Rafa V following a massive attack on a joint Galactic Union\New Republic archeology expedition. Centran aid and relief workers have converged on the site, and security teams are combing the site for clues to the motives and identities of the attackers. Sources from the planet indicate that the Jedi Order is already involved in the investigation. The Rafa System continues to remain under a military quarantine initiated shortly the attack.

The victims, mainly scientists and technicians from Obroan Research Institute, are casualties in the latest round of violence in the troubled regional government. According to Centran government sources, the attacks are "the latest act of barbarity from the Renatasian terrorists." New releases from the Renatasian Liberation Alliance have denied any responsibility or involvement in what is being "The Rafa Massacre."

In a rare joint statement, New Republic and Galactic Union representatives have promised aid for the victims and have stated they look forward to results of the official investigation. In later separate statements, the New Republic and the Galactic Union have advised all citizens and representatives of member systems to avoid travelling to the region, or to exercise extreme caution within the Centrality if travel is unavoidable.

Both the Galactic Union and New Republic will "consider their options" once the results of the investigation is announced."

"And now we're moving on to the Outer Rim Exchange Reports. Looking to the IGBC Nal Hutta 10,000, we can see that levels have.."
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Cragus 12

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 Post Posted: Sun, November 14th 2010 11:49am    Post subject: Seizure of Habitation Zone City of New Tiz Arriv
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HoloNet News Outer Rim Report

"War continues to break out in the Centrality. In a surprise move, the Renatasian Liberation Army has risen up in one Renatasian III "Habitation Zones", taking the Centran military by surprise and by storm. We turn now to our Centran correspondent, Makir Duress. Traveler Duress?"

The Duros nodded.

"Greetings. The Centrality's military forces are reeling from the strongest attack yet from the RLA yet. In a surprise assault, the RLA has seized one of the Centran's high-profiled "Habitation Zones". These zones were key in the Centran's plan to rebuild Renatasian III.

After securing the Zone capital of New Tiz Arriv, the RLA reportedly executed prisoners accused of collaboration with the Centrans. Initial Centran counter-attacks have failed, and Centran forces await reinforcements from the capital planet of Erilnar. Refugees continue to stream out of the city as reports the RLA has fortified the city. While both sides are preparing for the coming conflict, their representatives are extremely active. RLA spokespersons have spoken of the the seizure as a springboard for independence "against genocide, slavery and oppression", spokespersons from the Centran junta have claimed that "finally the terrorists have come out into the open, where they will be crushed."

While on-planet, both sides agree that the oncoming battle will be brutal and hardfought. Until then, the siege of New Tiz Arriv continues."

The announcer took over. "Thank you Traveller Duress. We'll stand by for further reports from the Centrality."
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Corask Slen'da

Joined: 30 May 2010
Posts: 86

 Post Posted: Sun, May 15th 2011 11:46pm    Post subject: 681st Armours Guild Auction - Set For the Llanic System
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"..despite the sweeps, the RLA vows to continue resistance "until every Centran is off Renatasia".

We now turn to turn to one of the most feted and venerable business events of the Outer Rim. The Most Honourable Guild of Armorers has announced a date and location for their six hundred and eighty-first Outer Rim Auction. Located this year in the Llanic System, some of the Guild's most rare and unique items will be on display for bidding. Our correspondent Cohort Ki'var has more."

The slender and long-limbed Elathan appeared on the screen and began to speak:

"Over the last four millenia, the Guild of Armourers have grown from a band of elite artificers to one of the most powerful technological design houses in the Galaxy. From their legendary interest in weapons technology to their wealthy patrons, the Guild has developed into the personal caterer of equipment for the ultra-rich and the ultra-powerful. Over the eons, however, some of their richest Outer Rim clientele have been unable to travel to the Guildhouse of Espi Nadir, deep in the Core Worlds. As a result, the Guild brings it's collection of rare equipment and unique weapons out to the Outer Rim. In addition to the auction halls, several floors Will showcase the finest Guild items for direct sale.

This year's event will be held on board the Core Superliner Hromsa Rampant in the Llanic System. The Llanic System, part of the Karthakk Sector, is beyond any New Republic, Galactic Empire or Galactic Union jurisdiction, as well as being on one of the Outer Rim's major hyperspace lanes, the Triellus Trade Route.

As usual, this event is by invitation only, and no expense has been spared for the safety and comfort of the Guild's clients and patrons. For those lucky -or rich enough- to attend this event, their companions and auction-floor competitors will be a who's who of the galaxy's richest, the galaxy's most powerful, and the galaxy's most wanted."

"I'm Cohort Ki'vam for the Holonet News Service."
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